Friday 19 March 2010

Nyepi = Ngerame! lol

On 16 March 2010, there was a celebration called 'Nyepi' Day. 'Nyepi' in Indonesian means 'Silence'. Thus Nyepi is also known as Day of Silence. Bali Island is a good place to experience 'Nyepi', because most of Balinese are Hindu ('Nyepi is a Hindu custom).

Like its name suggested, on 'Nyepi' day, all Hindu people HAVE to turn off all electricities, make NO noise, and stay indoors... Even the tourists were required to stay in the Hotels.. Only Hotels were allowed to operate on that day.. Airport, Ports, Harbours were closed from 6.00 am Tuesday March 16 2010 until Wednesday March 17 2010..

Whoever got caught too be outside during the silent period will be forced to go back to their homes or hotels by 'Pecalangs' (the island's traditional village-level security officers). Exemptions are only given to emergency vehicles and personnels.

wow! It sounds so challenging for me, since I cannot live without my laptop and internet connection! Besides, I have a phobia of dark and small space.... BUT I really really want to experience Nyepi in Bali.. BUT I did not get to experience that... T__T

That is not my point here.... What I really wanted to blog is HERE:

On that day, I wanted to celebrate it with some of my friends.... BUT in here, Samarinda there is such day called Nyepi... haha... All street lights are ON! Shopping Centre was operating like usual.... Then we ended up go to Timezone, a place where we can find electronic games! haha... SO, instead of Nyepi (Silence) we were Ngerame (Make noise) haha..... Oh ya.... 2 of my cousins were joining us that day! They were really really noisy!! lol

Three of my friends who were with me on that day.
My 2 cousins were busy playing.... =.="

Wuiih.... Amah got Jackpot!!! She was really really lucky that day. She got 2 Jackpots within 1/2 an hour!

This was the 2nd games Amah play!

See... She got Jackpot again! What a luck! ckckckc

haha... He was in charge of taking care one of my 2 cousins (the younger one)

That is all.... haha.....

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