Thursday 18 March 2010

New thing to do... =)

haha... Finally I found something else to kill time!!! hohoho.... That something is making 1000 stars.... Whoohoo... XD

measure, cut and shape myself.. hehehe...

measure : 0.7cm x 16 cm

1st step in making star! Tied it but do NOT press it to hard else the shape will be ugly... haha...

So far I have done 270 stars.... hehe... Hoping to finish it a.s.a.p... Can I make 1000 stars in 3 days?? hmmm..... I will try my best.. =p

This love-shaped jar is only full of 110 stars! Need to find a bigger jar.... hehehe

Come to think of it, it started when I was cleaning up my room and I found my un-used star paper (which I think I have mentioned in my earlier post)... Then suddenly I thought of making 1000 stars for decoration purposes! hohoho... However, since now is near to 'something' (which I hope I can blog about is one day! hehe... =p) so I decided to make 1000 stars and make a wish! hahaha.... Lots of people doing that, ok?? I am not the only one... *defense* haha....

Talking about cleaning, I found few childish things... haha... I have no idea, why I am still keeping those things... lol

Souvenir from Banjarmasin (Given by Gun-Gun, I bet she has forgotten about this... hahahah....)

Mommy's Music Box (It is very old and not functioning anymore)

My 1st ring!

It is very very very thin... You can even shape it with your own hand..
hahaha... I did try that is why the shape is no longer a perfect round... lol

Stuffs inside the musix box

Name Cards of few friend

List of students

List of things that we bought to paint and re-decorate our classroom

physics exercise and the resistors for experiment

Love-shaped Jar

Star-shaped Jar (Still empty when I found it)

This is all I got from the un-used star paper I found! =)

Stars Stars Stars....

The other jar full of stars is a present from GruGru (one of my best friends' nick name)! A farewell present! T.T She gave me when all of us (a group of my best friends) had a lunch together at Pizza Hut.. She also gave me a card with a short story about her, my other best friends, and I... OMG! I cried like mad when I was reading it (when I was inside the plane, going to the USA)... My tears were un-stoppable! I missed them sooo much... SO so much..... Since then I decided to visit them in Australia... And you know what?? I really MADE it!! I went to Australia and had GREAT times with them... Gosh! Now I miss them.... Miss those moments we spent together.... T______________T Love ya all, always!!! XOXO....

Upz... I run out of the topic... Back to topic Back to topic..... humm.... Making stars Making stars... OK I shall continue making stars... hahaha.... cya! lol


  1. woooww.. phili dapet berlian dari pampang.. aku kada dikasih.. bagoess!! hahaha..

  2. hahaha... sabar leee... tagih aja skrg yg lbh besaaar... hahaha
