Saturday 13 March 2010

Welcome Back

WELCOME BACK for me...!!

After so long never blog, last night I got the 'uumm' to blog again... Haha....

So... Talking about blog, previously I have a blog of my own and a blog of my 'gang'.. The reason I did not continue my own blog is because it has been long long time since I blogged and it was not so good.. Haha.. Thus, I decided to get a new one... =)

I took few hours to get name this blog.. AND of course I asked my friends about it.. Haha.... I am so UN-decisive... LoL...

Same thing goes to the URL... It tooks another hour to decide... I was so clueLESS... =.="

Soooo.... That is all for now... I have to go to Aston Hotel... I got an Invitation from Parkway Health... Actually my Mom is the one invited... Hahaha... But I decided to replace her, because she just got home (she went to Singapore for Medical purpose)...

see you in next post!!


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