Sunday 14 March 2010

Hue Test!!

This morning I wanted to blog on something, but I just cannot find a topic.. Then I go online and I chat with a friend of mine (lets say Mr. X)..

During our conversation Mr. X gave me a link,

which than bring me to a Hue Test by X-Rite.

The test is simple...
It just ask you to arrange those pieces of color to be in order accorting to its hueness...

It tooks few minutes for me to get this test done!
It was not that easy but it was not that hard...
I enjoyed doing this test...

Then Mr. X asked me what is my score test.....

Yap... I got PERFECT!! hohoho.... It means that my score is 0 (Zero) hahaha... I was so proud.... I thought I will not get a good score, but it turned up the other way round... hehehe....

wow! I am 1 out of 255 women who is able to done this test perfectly....
*proud* ^o^

Mr. X hard to believe that I scored perfect, so I decided to print screen and show it off to him.... haha... He was speechless and said 'asem'... lol..... weeekkkk..... XD

Maybe part of this score is due to another friend of mine who is doing bachelor of art... I once helped him to do his assignment which require understanding in percantage of hueness, contrast and other stuffs... haha.... I have forgotten some of it... but I did enjoy it....
Hey...! I think I had a picture of it....

Joking, Craping, Chatting while doing work! =)

I was in charge of doing GREEN ones...
I love Green! =)

*proud* *proud* hahahaha.... XD

Morale of the story:
** Helping friends to do their assignments is not a bad idea! In return, you learn something new which might be useful one day.... =p **

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