Friday 19 March 2010

Stars Stars Stars STARS

Today I was so energetic to make stars, I made 300 stars!!! Both index and thumb were so pain.... Even when I was inside my brother's car, I am still folding paper! hahaha....

Now in total I have 580 stars!! Yay!! 420 more to go... =)

Look at my both thumb and index! I even got paper cut! *ouch*

See... My index is more reddish than other fingers. T.T

I was at my Daddy's office when I make those stars..
And I did not bring the jar, so i put it inside a plastic bag... hehe.

This is how many I got for today! haha... Time to count it!!! =p

HooHoo... Tomorrow need to buy new papers, because I finished all them off today! haha.... 420 420 420 420 more to goooo.... yay!!!! hehehe.....

I am hungryyyyyyyyy..... gruu gruu gruu...... Time to cook!! hehehe.... cya! =)

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