Saturday 13 March 2010

Health Talk by Parkway Health

I just got home with a big box!! Like I mentioned earlier I went to Aston Hotel for a talk about Stroke and Colorectal Cancer and I was lucky enough to get one of the door prize! hehe.. =p

As this talk was about Health, then the door prize itself is related to Health... Guess what I got???

As you all can see, I got a big FIRST AID box... =.=" At first I imagined that I will get the main prize, which is air ticket "Balikpapan - Singapore" from Silk Air... BUT I missed the main prizee......................... T___T Anyway... Better than nothing right? =)

OK... Let me recall back what those two doctors have shared...

++ Stroke! (by Dr. Tang Kok Kee) ++

Stoke is the 3rd cause of death after High blood pressure and Cancer!!! Stroke has two types. 1st Stroke due to block in the blood vessels. 2nd Stroke due to fracture in the wall of blood vessels which then caused bleeding. Those two causes lead to the death of brain cells which then we called Stroke!

* Numbness and weakness on body and face
** Lose the ability to speak and understand a conversation
*** Trouble in walking (lose of balance and coordination)
**** Sudden severe headache, vomiting, and nausea
***** Sudden trouble in seeing

"F. A. S. T" is one way to diagnose whether a person is having stroke.

F - Face.... Ask he / she to smile or laugh! Observe if his / her mouth is oblique! If it is, then he / she has a chance of getting Stroke.

A - Arm.... Ask he / she to close his / her eyes and lift both hands up. The weaker arm will drop!

S - Speech.... Ask he/ she to speak. Someone who has stroke will have difficulties in speaking, e.g. stutter..

T - Time.... The sooner the patient is treated, the higher the chance of him / her to recover!

++ Colorectal Cancer! (by Dr. Ooi Boon Swee) ++

Huumm.... Hardly to recall back what he have said, because most of the time he showed us how he does the operation.. How he work with robot to detect polip and cut it off (sometimes he burn the polip).... Then he also showed lots of picture of cancer and polyp.... OMG!! It was so yuckz *ewww*... Serious!! When I saw those pictures I feel like vomiting... Picture of cancer is so so so similar to a big bulky meat (uncooked), red in color and it is really yuckz *ewwwww*.... It makes me scare to eat meat!!!!!! I do not feel like recall-ing it back..... *puke*

Anyway... I had an uncle (my mom's younger brother) who had Colorectal Cancer.. Luckily he was diagnosed in his early illness... It has been 7 years since then... =)

HUmpp... Now I feel like deleting this post, because it is just so yuckz when I remember those nasty and scary pictures........... *eewww*

I am so so sleepy now.... Gotta sleep NOW! haha....

Lets take care of our body!!! Love our body and be responsible!!

** Do not waste your life... Life is so short and fun to be wasted ** =)

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