Sunday 21 March 2010


Song playing: Fight for this love by Cherly Cole


Eating: I do not know what is this called... haha

Time: 11.46 pm


"Anything that's worth having Is sure enough worth fighting for"

# of time song repeated: 10++. 12?? 15?? Did not count it...

Reason of repeating:

* Nothing to do
** Cannot sleep though I am sleepy
*** NO other songs in my mind
**** Boring
***** Boring
****** Boring
******* Boring
******** This song reminds me on something, someone.... =.="
********* The melody is just right with my mood now... hahaha...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... I saw a cockroach walking on the floor next to the chair where I am sitting now a few seconds ago...... T_______________________T *legs up automatically* *shocked* *shocked*

Luckily it did not touch my foot... OMG!!! I am afraid of cockroach........ SUPER afraid I tell u! Now the cockroach is hiding in the bottom of my bed.......................... Gosh......

*run* gotta find help...... T_______T

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