Tuesday 16 March 2010

Yesterday Yesterday Yesterday!

hoaaam...... *yawn-ing* It is 7.xx a.m.. I am freaking sleepy.. my eyes turned to be panda eyes... O.O

OK, back to topic... I wanted to recall what happened yesterday.. coz I was toooo busy and sleepy to blog yesterday.. haha....

* Wake up early, by 8.00 a.m -- Failed!!! I woke up at 9.xx a.m. haha…. Sleeping bear

* Congrats a friend of mine who start working yesterday!! YAP... I did! Happy for him, He got the job that he always want!! All the best, brooo! =)

* Clean my bed

* Shower

* Had breakfast -- nasgor (a.k.a Fried Rice) cooked by my mom who always proud of her cooking skills….. She even keep reminding me that one of my cousins asked her to sent over her so called DELICIOUS fried rice…. =.=”

* Clean my room and stuffs -- my stuffs are all over places…. Hahaha….

My stuffs inside my room (before)

My stuffs outside my room (before)

in progress

My stuffs after!

Can you tell the differences??? I think I did not clean it properly… What I did is only put my stuffs inside some boxes!!!!! OMG……………………….! I am surelazy.com… It means today I have to get it DONE perfectly!!!!!! T____T

* Lunch time -- Did not have proper lunch, coz I was full… I had a slice of bread…

* Go to ‘Telkomsel’ to activate my BBM (Blackberry Messenger)… That was my initial plan.. but again… I lazy to go out from my small-comfortable-single-room! hahaha…

my poor BlackBerry. lol

* Read Photographic book that I bought 2 weeks ago and start practicing!! -- FAILED! I took camera at night… coz again…. I am sure lazy.com!... lol

books that I have not finished reading

* Had dinner -- Fried fish….

* Go to Pharmacy -- buy medicine of course, or else what for go to Pharmacy…. BUT I forgot to but what I was looking for… haha… smart right?? LOL.

* Take DSLR from my Uncle -- whoohoo… SONY DSLR is in MY hand!!! Time to practice with it!! Improve skillsssssss and get fun… hehehe… But… Wait! I have to buy the memory 1st… T_T and today is ‘nyepi’…. Are there any camera shops open?? T_T

my first cameraaa..... =)

My precious camera!

OThough now it cannot function properly, but I still love it!

because I have spent lots of time with this camera. I brought it to everywhere I travel to! =)

DSLR that I just took from my Uncle... Thanks Uncle! =)

* Online -- Blogging, MSN-ing, Facebook-ing, Browsing, etc etc…. oh yaa… adding one more which was not inside my list…… Making stars from paper!!! Huahaha… Suddenly I have the mood and I finished the whole un-used star-paper….

found the un-used star papers and the bottle! hehe

-- SLeeeeeppppppping timeeeee…………………… I cannot sleep until 3 a.m. this morning….. coz coz…. NOT reasons… !! I just cannot close my eyes and have a nice dream...

eehh... I think it was due to my HEAD!! I fell in bathroom yesterday.. and I BANG my head!!! As a result I had an EGG!!! *ouch* *ouch* Pain.... Pain.... T___T When I put my head down, it hurts..... T____T mayb coz of that I did not have a sound sleep..... T___T

Then this morning… I woke up at 7.00 a.m. Thanks to my GENIUS alarm which does not know that today is PUBLIC holiday (‘Nyepi’ for Hinduism) so that NO working!!! – OR maybe I am the genius who forgot to turn off the alarm… hahahahaha……

Next day: WORKING!!! T__________________T

I am sleepy…. So SO sleepy….. I do not know why I blog instead of sleeping… =.=”

Ok… bye… Gotta sleep NOW…. SuperSleepy.com! caoo……. zzZZZZ

PS: I think the font-ing thingy will be very funny n wierd.. haha... I typed in Ms. Word then I copy paste here... and Everything messed up........... =.=" I am too sleepy to change everything from the very beginning... haha...


  1. ciee...BB nya dipamer tp blm aktif,hahaha...
    knp km?ol msn ya klo udah bc ini..hehehe..
    disana libur, disini tidakkkkkk......ugh!!hehehe...
    finally dpt DSLR..dipake yg bnr ya,hehehe...

  2. Nyakkk... ak br baca comment km nich... lol

    DSLR ny blm kesentuh.. br ak bliin memory... nti kl ada wkt mo coba2... hehe... practice makes perfect.... lol
