Tuesday 16 March 2010


yoo... I am still alive as in not sleeping.. haha... I was saying I want to sleep few hours ago.. BUT cannot... my head, thigh and leg HURT.... T____T Bruises and swollen.... T________T

Anyway... Since I cannot sleep of course I go online... haha... Then I simply check one of my friends (called A's) profile n pictures.... huahaha... I am not a stalker ok! I am just wondering how is A doing... Judging from the pictures of A, I think A is doing great! Glad to see that... =)

Another thing is... Last night I was looking at another friend's picture (called B)... haha.. I did not see much pictures of B... I guess B is busy working.. Besides, B is not a facebook-type kinda person! haha... So, cannot see any update from B...

humm.... Why am I writing this kind of things?? ckckckc....

Oh yaa... I have forgotten that yesterday was my Neil's birthday! haha... Neil is my Teddy Bear! I got Neil as my 'White Day' present.... =) If I am not wrong... It was 15 March 2005... It means he is 5 yrs old.. hahaha.....

He is the only Teddy Bear in my room, because mommy said I am too old to play with Teddy Bear or other soft toys! T_T


humm.... oh yaa.... Today I am going to go out with some of mt friends... Celebrating Nyepii tgt, though we are not Hindu... haha.... Going to take lots of pic... hohoho.... cya! =)


  1. Loh?Neil kok dah telanjang lagi?hehehe...

  2. hahaha... iya... d telanjangin aja... biar lbh cute... lol..... bizny nti belang nyak... hahaha... lgan kn dah gak da feeling special lg... hehehe....

  3. tul t kata mamamu... ud tua gk boleh maen boneka lagi... wkakakaa

  4. iish... ternyata ini yg km comment dul... ckckc....

    ak gak tua2 bngt kok.. week... ms sah sah aja maen boneka... hahahaha.....
