Sunday 21 March 2010

My life here and there

Since I am in my hometown, my life is so SUPER not healthy...

1. most of the time, sleep late at night (e.g last night slept around 3 am)
2. no exercise
3. not taking any food supplements
4. often wake up late
5. sometimes sleep less then 6 hours per day (e.g. this morning woke up at 5 am, which means that I sleep for 2 hours ONLY!

Back in Malaysia, I was more discipline...!!

Although I also sleep late at night, but I took lots of food supplement..
Did Detox for few times..
Once joined Celebrity Fitness for few months..
Go for jogging (either morning or evening).. Walk to my college, it can be considered as small exercise because my house was not really near to my college (10 mins walking)..
Join few sport competitions (I was the 2nd fastest runner on 5 km women category 2008) *proud* lol

etc etc

haihz... I really want to have a healthy life!!

Starting tonight, I want to sleep early, wake up early, have a proper breakfast, taking food supplements, join a gym or go swimming / jogging / aerobic or whatever it is...

Gotta off sooon......... Tomorrow = working... T_______T

Gambatte, pHiee!!!! Semangat!!! I know I can do it!!! =p

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