Monday 26 April 2010

My 21st~~

Yesterday I went out with 3 friends of mine, call them A, B, and C.... We went to a shopping center, named Samarinda Central Plaza (SCP).... We went for a movie, My name is Khan, and after that we had our early dinner at Pizza HUT (on my request)...

Then.... I ordered a plate of lasagna EXTRA cheese, a papaya float and a cup of ice cream (Mix 4 fun)....

Mix 4 fun is suppose to be served with a nice-colorful-cup as the picture showed below:

BUT it did NOT turned up as what it is shown on the picture.... It was served with a BOWL... A SOUP BOWL!

I asked the waitress why our ice cream is not like the picture?? She said... They are running out of stock!! =________________=" Helloooo... She should inform me earlier!! I was a bit disappointed!! BUT nevermind, since that day I was carving for Ice cream... haha... Before a movie, I had a scoop of Durian-Vannila Ice cream.. hahaha.....

So.... A friend of mine was also having Ice Cream.... So, we go to the counter together and start mixing it up.......

FAT laaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~~ T____________________T

Tadaaaa........ This is mine... See my mixing skill...
It really is a MESS..... But.. It is still looks nice huh... hahaha.....

Papaya Float

SO.... In total for that day itself, I had 3 scoops of Ice Cream!!!! Then in the morning, I had 4 praline chocolates and a Truffle!! and my Lasagna is topped with EXTRA cheese....!!! I am a dead meat!! My efforts that I put on exercise are GONE in one day!!! T____________________T

Eh Eh... I want to reveal a secret..... Lasagna at Pizza HUT is NOT nice anymore though I have added extra cheese.... T___T sad........

I should have treated them on other restaurant.... Actually I wanted to treat them on the 24th night, which is on Saturday night, but but... my niece got fever and she dun let me leave her house.... Sooooo.... I deferred it to yesterday.... haha... and I was looking for an outdoor restaurant, but I just can't find any!!!! T________________T

So..... yaaa... Pizza HUT is my final choice! haha....

Thanks to LC (initial) for the Dvd... I have not watched it YET... But SOon enough... =)

Two Birthday Dates

Hummmppppp.... Finally I am officially at my legal age, 21 year old!!!! I feel so OLD but I am NOT!! I am NOT.....! Hear me... I AM NOT...... T__________T

Am I suppose to feel happy or sad?? I do not know.... Somehow I feel grateful for being 'young adult' but somewhat I feel I am not ready yet to enter into this world.. haha... What I meant is that now I have graduated (despite of the convocation which will be held on July) and I did not take further studies so......... I have to work....!!! In fact now I am at my daddy's office, working on this post and ignoring my job.. hahaha...... I am a professional slacker! hahahahahahaha......

Talking about my birthday, I have 2 (TWO) birthday dates!! hahaha...... One is on 21 and another one is on 26..... haha... Which one is the real one, I do not know... My mom said it is 21, NOT 26.... and since young, my families always celebrate my birthday on 21 and not on 26....

But But..... The Certificate of Birth wrote 26, not 21.... Even the letter from Hospital wrote 26!! SO, who is right and who is wrong?? haha....

Anyway.. I do not really care about it... Since I have two birthday dates, plenty of my friend ask me, on which day should I wish you?? Then I will say "whatever, either date will do.."

Then.... After 21 years old.... One of my friend wished me on 21, He said "Happy Bdae ya, Phil.. All the best!"... Then this morning he wished me again....... and he said "Happy fake birthday ya"...... At the moment I red his message, I laugh!! This is the first time someone is actually wish me "fake birthday"..... haha.... I really never thought of this!! lol....

Another person did almost the same thing.... On the 21th, she called me and wished me, happy birthday... Then today she message me and said.... "Slamat ultah buat yg berdasarkan [a]kte kelahiran yah..." (Happy birthday according to your certificate of birth...) =___________="

Then then........ A friend of mine post this on FB:

"Penipuan".. PAM sebenarx lahir di Samarinda pd tgl 21 APRIL 1989,bukan 26 APRIL.. Wkwkwkwk.. V(^,^)v"


"Fraud.... PAM is actually born on 21 APRIL 1989, not on 26 APRIL.... hahaha...."

=______________________________________=" All my effort to keep it from some of my overseas friends are GONE!!

But, nevermind.. I do not care... hahahaha............ Having 2 birthday dates is not a bad thing, I guess and I hope... Coz... I can choose either date to celebrate my birthday... hahaha.... back in Malaysia... for the past 3 years, I always feel the birthday atmosphere on the 26th.... Since my friends always give me a surprise on the 26th, and not on the 21st... BUT after come back to my beloved Samarinda town, I feel that 21st is my birthday date....!! Despite of being forgotten by my mom... hahahahaha.....

and and and... One more thing..... I failed to reach my goal by 21st!! sad sad sad.... T______T
Now I have to set a new target.... T__________T

Oh yaa.... Usually Malaysian parents will give her daughter a key as a symbol that they are a 'young adult' now.... BUT my mom did not gave me a present man!!! She even forgot to cook 'mee sua' for me!! sad case weeeiiii!!! T______T

Overall... I have a Sweet-Sour-Bitter-21st-Birthday!!! hahahaha....

Tons of love, kiss and hug for my friends.... XOXO.... XD

Wednesday 21 April 2010

I = Me = pHiee

I am about to sleep.. But suddenly something came up in my mind and made me lose my mood to sleep..

I just want to tell the whole world that:




I am really hoping that my existence is not just a huge waste!!

I just cannot wait for next morning to come and blog about this..

I love my dad for being strict yet loving~~
I love my mom who is super patient and caring~~

I love my 1st bro for his supports~~
I love my 2nd bro for all the debates and sharing that we had~~
I love my 3rd bro for teaching me so many things (including self defence and sports)~~

I love my niece for being like me! Hahahahahaha...
(Actually she looks like my dad more than me! Esp when she laugh, I can see a replica of my dad's smile on her face! Hahaha)

LOVE~~LOVE~~LOVE~~LOVE~~LOVE~~LOVE my family so much!!~~

Saturday 17 April 2010

The Loyal Earth Hour Participant in Indonesia

Talking about Earth Hour, we just held it on 27 March 2010.... It is the biggest climate awareness campaign ever... It started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia. Homes, businesses, and landmarks participate in this campaign (by turning off their lights for one hour).... All stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour..

IF in other part of the world, they turn off their lights VOLUNTARILY as a symbols of against climate changes, in my hometown, Samarinda, we are FORCED to switch off our lights....!!

Why I said so??

1. Once or twice a week we have NO electricity supply from PLN, Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Government bodies who control the supply of electricity) for at least 6 to 8 hours...

2. If you are not lucky enough, you will experience out off electricity supply TWICE a DAY!!

3. It has been years since PLN Samarinda started its "policy" to cut off the electricity supply in regular basis. Maybe it has been longer than the establishment of Earth Hour.. hahahaha...

Like it or not, WE (Samarinda-ians) have no choice but to support the participation of PLN Samarinda as a LOYAL participant of Earth Hour!!

IF there is a vote on "Which city in this world that fully support Earth Hour campaign?", I will definitely vote for SAMARINDA!! hahaha.....

** This post is inspired from a Status Message of a friend of mine in his Blackberry Messenger **

10 Idiot Guidelines to Kill Yourself

I found this article from a magazine about 1 to 2 years ago... haha.... It was a quite long article, but I have summarized all, because I was in the Library that time and was too lazy to copy everything... lol


Here are the 10 Guidelines:

1. Ignore your bedtime
Researchers found that people that sleep less then 7 or 8 hours have higher risk to have Obesity, Diabetes, and Cancer!!!

2. Ignore Medical Check up
Adults are recommended to do medical check up every year!

3. Never or seldom exercise your Brain

Playing Sudoku, Crossword or even reading help to fight against Alzheimer and you will live longer!

4. Too much sex
hummm...... I have forgotten about the explanation.... It makes me confuse.. Since some researchers said that Sex is healthy..... =.="

5. Stress up

Higher chance to get stroke and Hypertension

6. Too much alcohol

7. Drive too much
Too much driving increase the chance of the getting into car crush or accidents..

8. Be a couch potato
Potato is high in calories and salt! Be prepared to get obesity...

9. Smoking
Lung cancer, as we all know since ages! haha...

10. Chop on Junk food
Fat-laden and sugar heavy junk increase the chance of you having heart disease. e.g. doughnut and drinking coke..

Thursday 15 April 2010

1st day back to Gym~~ =p

Today I went to gym for cardio exercises ONLY... haha.... Pity me... but, nvm.... That is my target for today!!!

I burned 300++ calories tonight... but I guess the cake that I had as my tea time is more than 300 calories... I damn genius... hahaha....... Blame my mom for baking cake during my diet periooood........ hahaha.... =p

But the cake is delicious...!! I decided to bake cake on Sunday... hohoho......

But but... Today I will say it is a success for me... hoho... coz I did not had my dinner but meal replacement... hoho..... Hope it works... hehehe......

I got 24 days only before the photo-shoot session.... haha... I am dead meat!!! X_X

but but but.... My feeling said that I will and I can make it.... hahahaha........ Pray hard, work hard...... =p

** gotta continue silly stupid crazy conversation with M***un again ** hohoho...... XD

A Stupid-Silly-Crazy Conversation with M***uN

Last night I could not sleep, because I have too much question mark in my head which I have no answers to any of those questions.... So.... I randomly choose a friend of mine from my BBM list... Since M***uN seems stress as well, so I picked her.. hohoho...

The conversation went more or less like this:

(*This conversation has been translated into English for publishing purposes... Those who are Indonesian Readers and know the main character, please read with her expression and also her signature accent in mind! It makes lots of contribution to the originality... lol)

Me: G*******nnn G****nn

M: What is it, Phi?

Me: G*****nn G****nn
M: What??

Me: Nothing, I just feel like calling you... Hahaha....
M: Are you stress??

Me: Yaa... Somehow... What are you doing?
M:Stress... My senior-housemate (called C) came all the while to my room just to gossip with me..
(**for your information, M***uN does not really like her senior-housemate**)

Me: huh... Why is she gossiping with you?? What is she gossiping about??
M: Do not know... She is gossiping about my friends and their boyfriends.. She also talking about her ex-bf...

Me: hahaha....
M: Like I care... None of her craps went in my head. hahahahaha...

Me: (was typing something)
M: (typing faster than me since she has been using BB since ages!! I am just a newbie.... haha) She make my imagination of drinking young coconut gone!

Me: What is it got to do with coconut?? Are you imagining that you are at a beach-side??
M: Yes, I am... At a beach-side, drinking young coconut, seeing handsome westerner... hahha....

Me: hahahaha.... Maybe he is your 'Salmon'.. lol

M: What is it got to do with Salmon??

Me: huh.... Salmonnnn.....
M: What Salmon??

Me: Do not pretend like you do not know...

M: huh... What?? I do not know.

Me: Haihz... I think you have forgotten... Never mind...

M: Oooo.... Salmon = Rich guy is it??

Me: hahaha.....
M: Why Salmon?

Me: Because Salmon is expensive...

M: But not all westerners are rich! If you get a poor westerner then you will be the one that bear his expenses (di porotin)... hahaha...

Me: Then I would say that you have a bad luck! lol....
M: Eh, Phi... Do you have a handsome-rich-western friend?? I want to introduce him to C.. hahaha....

Me: huh... I have a few of them... But I will not let you introduce them to C... C will 'porotin' my friend....!!

M: hahaha.... Then, introduce to me... I will 'porotin' him... hahahaha.....

Me: =.="

M: Eh, Phi.... You have 2 single-brothers right??

Me: Yap... Why?? Interested?? hahaha
M: hummm..... Yap, quite interested... hahahaha... 'bernafsu malah' (I have no idea how to translate this.. haha... lust??) hahaha.....

Me: hahahahaha...... crazy!!

M: My mom is preparing....

Me: What is it??
M: ********* skipped

Me: ******* skipped

M: ****** skipped

Me: ****
M: Haihz... My age have a head of #2 and a tail of #2.. but I do have 2 boyfriends yet!... hahaha

Me: lol.... Same here... I also have no bf yet... T.T
M: You find I*****n guy... Handsome!

Me: YA yaya ya.... I******s are handsome! Muscular & tall, tan skinned, dark-color haired, define eyes, blue-colored eyes... hahahahaha....
M: Ya.... Also hairy body.... haha... You will sleep as if you are in a forest... hahahaha....

Me: =.=" Ask him to shave! What for shaver is invented??? hahaha
M: haha... Like he wish to do.... hahaha...

Me: Of course he will...

M: The more hairy he is the more stinky he is... hahahaha.....

Me: Then ask him to take bath more often...

M: In western countries, they have winter time when it is so cold out there and makes him lazy to take bath... hahahaha....

Me: Then I will pour him with water... hahahaha...

M: Use 'air zuur' (hazardous water) so that his hair will not grow again... hahahahaha....

Me: **** skipped
M: *** skipped

Me: lol... But one of my Malaysian friends love hairy guy.... She said hairy guy = sexy guy... lol

M: hahahaha... Then ask her to marry A*****n... They are hairy.... You will need a year to finish pulling out all his hair!! hahahaha.....

Me: lol....

M: ******

Me: *****

========= END OF THE CONVERSATION =========


* This conversation is just for FUN... No intention of bad talking about western countries and/or western people...

* Characters mentioned in this conversation will not be disclosed unless/otherwise you have known those characters before this post published... OR The main character (M***UN) have told you about the existence of those characters..

* Conversation was held in Indonesian.... Some changes in the structure of the sentences may occur due to translation purposes.... Local accents and improper structure of sentence have been removed, thus may also change the fun parts and thus the originality of the conversation...

* Those skipped conversations is for:
1. Privacy Protection
2. Deleting those not funny or important parts


Special Disclaimer for M***un:

* This is JUST FOR FUN... hahaha....... NO intention to embarrassed you.....

Anyway... Thanks for your "signature joke"... It made my day... Or I should say it made my night better.. haha.....


FUN never last forever though, but there is no single PROBLEM last forever!!

New fun, New problem, New lesson to learn from, New changes, New YOU... =p

Have a good day, everyone!! Enjoy your day to the fullest!!

** tons of love n hug ** XOXO ** (esp for the main character and my loyal readers -- as if I have one... lol)

Going to start gym today!! XD
Wish me Luck!!! =)

Wednesday 14 April 2010

A Bottle of Stars =D

*Found un-used bottle in the storage room

** Lace is from someone's wedding souvenir

Inside the bottle:

7 colors 1,000 stars... =p


Writing this post from my 2nd bro's computer at office while waiting for my mom to finish her so called 'business'... haha.... She likes to go office when office hour is about to end... Why?? Because she wants to check everything as if she is a Police (that is what my bros and I like to call my mom when she ask lots of questions in the office...) lol.... Actually she just feel bored at home and she can only go out after 3 o'clock (after maid finish working)...

Anyway... It is not what I want to say here.... 1 - 2 weeks ago, family of mine came to my house.. One of the three is a two-years old girl.. The rest are elders... Since I have no idea on what my mom and the two were talking about, I choose to play with the girl...

At first she does not want to 'choi' (respond) me... She ignored me no mater how I try to talk to her.... Then suddenly I thought of playing ball with her.... (Inspired by my niece who does not like to play with dolls or soft toys but BALL!!)... She did choi me after that... Then we play....

1st - 2nd round the two of us did not talk much.... and the distance between us was about 3-4 meters...

3rd - 4th round getting closer, about 2-3 meters and we start to talk though it was quite hard to understand what she said....

5th - 7th round getting more close, about 1 - 2 meters and she keep talking though I did not ask her anything...... =.="

7th round on wards (till both of us get bored), two of us really close!! It is about 0.5 - 1 meters.... I asked her to go few steps behind, BUT she does NOT want!! =__="

She followed me everywhere I go.... I went inside my room, she followed..... Even I went to drink water, she was next to me..... I went toilet, she waited me outside......... =______________=" She is more demanding than my niece......

Then, I brought some origami papers.... I was amaze with my origami skill which is 'brilliant'... I think I will score 1 out of 10... haha...

I have forgotten how to make hat, plane, and other shapes.... I tried to make prawn, but I FAILED... haha.....

Besides, I also taught her how to draw.....

Haha... Nice drawing isn't it?? lol.....

Oh ya... The girl asked me to buy paper glue and colored pencils because I do not have any and she wants to visit me again to play and draw with me.... Teeheeee....... I am such a good babysitter... hahaha...... ^o^

Btw... I have forgotten her nameeeee........ =.="

The US president died!! =__="

Now it is raining out there, the rain is not heavy, but the wind blow is SUPER strong! I can hear the sound of the blowing wind VERY clear! It is like Typhoon is coming! haha.... But serious! It makes me feel scared.. T__T

Anyway..... I have lots of thing to blog and yet I do not know which one come first! haha..... OK... Lets see... What I feel like blogging first....

Yesterday, mom shocked me.... She went to my room while I was sleeping and said "US president died on airplane accident!"... I was so so SO SUPER shocked, my eyes open widely.. My mind was like "OMG!! Is Obama died??"... Then I grabbed the newspaper that my mom brought along with her... Without spectacles or contact lens, I force my eyes to read the headline... Then what I found is not about US president... It was The President of Poland who died on the accident...

Me: "Mom... He is not the US President, He is the President of Poland!"

Mom: "Isn't it Poland part of US?"

Me: "Hellooo...... Poland and US are two different countries!"

Mom: "Ooo..."


Anyway.... You have my condolence... May you rest in peace...

Please do not mind my mom who does not know that Poland is not part of US.... lol

Thursday 8 April 2010

2nd day in Surabaya

Nothing much happened.. Yesterday five of us went out for dinner together at Tunjungan Plaza Bentoya.. Yesterday night was so fun!! It's like watching comedian live show!! We laugh really really loud (esp me!) Hahaha... Four of us bullied the birthday girl, Gun2.. I can't find the right word to discribe her!! She is smart but sometimes she act like silly girl!! She is too innocent and easily to trust someone.. Her cousin (Mr. T) loves to bully her!! And everytime she always trust Mr. T no matter how many time T lies... Pity her.. T said.. If she dies, she will get express way to go to heaven! Lol... I can't recall back what we laugh at that night.. Because every sentence that Gun2 said, we will make fun of it and just laugh till drop! Hahaha..

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Surabaya Again!!

I have been going in and out Surabaya for 4 times since January this year!! The reason behind is to see skin doctor which require me to control every 1 to 1 1/2 months!!

My appointment to see doctor was on 6 April which is yesterday! I flew from Balikpapan to Surabaya because my beloved hometown (Samarinda) does not have a big airport to accommodate those Boeing or Airbus or whatever big airplanes... Pathetic isn't it?? Since Samarinda is the capital city of East Borneo... It should have a big airport!!!!!!

Anyway, I have to go by car from Samarinda to Balikapapan.... It takes 2 hours of driving!! A friend of mine (Amah) is following me to go to Surabaya!... On our way to Balikpapan, there is a girl who sat next to Amah, she got car sick and vomit inside the car, luckily she got plastic bag!! Besides, she also broke her sandal!!! Her ONLY sandal......!! She looks pale and sad like she is going to cry if there is nobody around her! She asked Amah, how?? how??... Then my friends said 'you can buy one in the airport later'.. However, that does not change her feeling much... She still looks so worry and sad!

Since I brought my sandal, so I gave her mine when we reached Sepinggan (International Airport of Balikpapan).... I think God was working on me!! That morning, before I left home, I suddenly insist to bring my sandal although my mom keep saying no need to bring that sandal and buy a new one in Surabaya! BUT at the end I brought that sandal and I have no regret, because someone was in need!!! OMG.... I think that time my soul was not in my body, I think Holy spirit was in my body!! hahahaha..... Since than she followed us wherever we go (since she was also flying to Surabaya on the same plane with us) until we are boarding... God bless her!

Then.......... NOW I ended up with NO sandals..... I have to use my cousin's sandal which is 4 size SMALLER than my size until I bought a new one!! God bless me... hahaha....

My initial plan was go to doctor and join my friends to give birthday surprise to GunGun..... BUT BUT BUT it tooks 3++ hours to see the doctor!! Then it was too late to join my friends...... I missed the birthday surprise... T_T

Nevermind... Today I am going to meet the birthday girl! hehe.....

Monday 5 April 2010

MeMyself and Those things

I thought I am perfectly fine, but I am not!!

Those were not dreams nor imaginations.... Those were real!!

Anyway... I just realise that my left eye is easily get swollen and it has bigger eye bag than my right eye!! hahaha.......

Sunday 4 April 2010

Skillful hunting partner?? I AM!!

My 3rd bro asked for my help... He wanted to hunt mouse in our house!!

My house got one old car which should have been scrapped few years ago, but the owner insist to keep it and he asked my family to keep it!!!!!!! As a result his car become the Mouse's House (nest?? whatever!)..!!

Then one day when my brother was about going off to office, he got his car breaks down!!! He asked a technician to repair his car, then the technician said that the break down was due to mouse bite!!! My bro was so upset... So, today he decided to hunt mouse!!!

Since it is at night, he needs someone to hold a torch so that he can see clearly, which I was in charge in! Few times we caught the mouse, but because of my 'skill', the mouse got away!!!

When we caught the mouse, I will make a noise which make the mouse notice our existence and run or hide!!

So, at the end we got 0 (Zero) mouse!! hahaha...... Thanks to my 'skill'!! I am a skillful hunting partner!!! hahahahaha...........

Go to my Uncle's 'kebun' (farm)

After baking, of course have to clean up everything which is the part that I hate the most!! hahaha.... It tooks almost an hour to get everything clean! Then I took a rest for few minutes and after that I had a massage session!! hohoho....

Upz... It is now what I want to blog about... What I wanted to write is about my Uncle's kebun! Is is located somewhere around "Tanah Merah" about 30minutes driving from the my house...

This farm mainly produce papayaaaaaaa which I used to hate it before but now I love it! Pathetic... hahaha.....

Since I am too lazy to harvest papaya which is not due yet but my mom insist to bring some home, so I decided to take picture of few scenery which I was randomly picked! haha.... Fortunatelly I follow my instinct to bring DSLR which I borrow from my another Uncle...

Scenery from the villa which is located at the top of the mountain!

Shining-sun (around 5.00 pm)... Just feel like capturing it.. hehe.. Not bad I think... =p

Red Pineapple..
Capture it because my Aunt said it is pretty! Sooooo... I just listen to her.. haha...

My cousins.... Three of them are siblings.... I guess size can show who is the 1st, 2nd and youngest... =p

Me and the youngest (which makes me feel old... T__T) on our way home! =)

Baking Baking Baking... Baking Time... =)

Today is not same as normal day!! I have no idea why, but I just feel more 'life'.. hahaha....

Last night my mom suddenly told me that she wants to bake cake (it has been long enough since the last time she bake).. Then without her offer, I told her that I also want to help her.. My mom usually will reject my offer, but I do not know why this time she said 'yes!'.... whoohoo... Then she told me to wake up early, because she will bake around 10.00 am...

With all 'semangat' (spirit?? not sure what it is in English) I set my alarm to wake up at 7.30 am which is 1/2 an hour earlier than my normal get up time on Sunday!!

Today, I woke up 15 minutes earlier than my alarm time. So I decided to sleep for another 15minutes..... AND what happened is that I finally gain my conscious at 9.59 am!!!!! I am SUPER smart!! MY 15minutes = 2++ hours!!! ahahahaha......

The moment I woke up, I just jump from my bed and go to kitchen... I found my mom was baking cake WITHOUT me!! Then I told her, 'wait for me, I also want to bake cake'... Then she said I wake up late, so she bake herself.. T__T I do not care, I faster prepare my self (shower, brush teeth, etc etc) then I helped my mom which almost finish with her cake!!! T___T I do not care!! I told her that I want to bake a cake myself!!!! Then she said no more eggs. I got to buy again! So, I went buy some eggs..

This is the last cake that my mom bake.. It does not look nice to me, because it has small holes on its surface, I do not know why.. My mom said it is because too fast to take it out from the oven!

Oh ya... Talking about oven, my mom's oven is super OLD oven!! BUT it is still good!! I should have taken a picture of it.. haha....

Mommy's cake! 3 layers which usually we called it 'Lapis Surabaya' I do not know what it is called in English, Surabaya Layer cake maybe (direct translation)... lol....

Now it is my turn to bake!! yippiieee....... XD

Preparing eggs (washed with cold water)

Melting the margarine! This is why cake = fattening!!!! T_T

Mixing the eggs and sugar.. After that mix it with flour..
I forgot to take a picture of mixing with flour!! T_T

Before baked....

Tadaaaa........ After baked.... hohoho

DONE! hehehe......

It looks nice right! It IS delicious, even my 3rd brother who usually mocking me said that my cake is DELICIOUS!! hahahaha.... So happpie after years never bake!!! XD

Saturday 3 April 2010


I miss blogging.. I miss to crap on my super-not-pro blog.. Haha..

I am writing this post from my Blackberry (BB).. Just wanted to give it a try.. So I can blog whenever and wherever I want (as if I blog often)... LOL..

Hummm.. I think it is not hard to blog from BB,since it has a quite wide LCD screen with QWERTY keypad.. Sooo.. For me it is almost similar when I blog from Desktop or Laptop!

BUT I have no idea how to upload pictures to my blog,edit font's size or type or whatever editing tools are not showed in this screen!! Soo... I still prefer computer!!!

Talking about BB, in Indonesia, BB seems so COOL!! for certain group of peoples which do not include me! Because I just think BB is not as smart as computer,but it is smarter than some other phones!

I personally prefer iPhone over BB!! Some people argue that BB has BBM (Blackberry Messenger) which allows you to communicate (sending short message) with other BB users around the world as long the provider support for international services..
Again,for me BBM is not better than MSN or Yahoo or Google Talk or whatever instant messengers.. Just that BBM gives you the convenient, as in you can chat wherever you are as long you got the GSM services!
BUT but but... Now MSN and other instant messengers are also having their mobile version!!

So.. I do not know!!!

At first I go for BB, but at the same time I also give counter arguments againts it!!
I am so contradicting myself... Hahaha..

This is not the first time I contradicting myself!! In the pervious post, I said that I like to procastinate my tasks, BUT in my chat box I wrote 'Time is Precious'!! See.. I contradicting my statement!! Hahahaha..

Anyway.. This is just a bias review on BB.. Please do not bother this post because I am just crapping whatever I feel like crapping! Hahahaha..

Please Note:

Whoever thought of buying BB, please proceeds with your thought!! Do not bother about my opinion! These are MY opinion, not yours (we might have different needs and wants), unless you have the same view with me.. =p

Byeee.. I am suppose to take a rest, because I am having headache due to too long using computer.. Sooo.. I rest from computer and use BB instead.. Tell me what is the different?? I am still exposing my eyes to screen which makes my headache become worse!! I am smart!! I know that... Hahaha..

Thursday 1 April 2010






Lookingforwardtogohomeearly,becauseIhavenothingtodohere..... Atthismoment,Iamthemostfree-estpersonandalsothemostboredpersonintheoffice....

Measthemostfree-estandboredpersonshallstartfoolingpeoplearound!! However,Ihavenoideaonfoolingaround!!!!! Pathetic!!!! T______________T




BUTaswhatIsaidearlier,Idonotknowanythingabouthiscompany,sososooooo..... Ihavetofindoutmore,learnmoreandanalysethecompany'scredibility,reputation,etcetc....

AnotherthingthatIhavetodoisthat........ Makeupmymindandtalktomyparentaboutthis!!

becauseIhavetothinkabouttheconsequencesonxxxxxx&xxxxxx..... hehehe... Guessyourself!! Iamnotgoingtomentionit!! lol...

becausemyparent(mommyespecially)isveryhardtodealwith!! IneedtimeandGREATspeechtoconvinceher!!!! T________T

hummm......... Iamsuperdamnfree..... IshallbrowsingonSIMAnowinsteadoftypingthisspace-lesspost.....! Hahahha