Sunday 4 April 2010

Baking Baking Baking... Baking Time... =)

Today is not same as normal day!! I have no idea why, but I just feel more 'life'.. hahaha....

Last night my mom suddenly told me that she wants to bake cake (it has been long enough since the last time she bake).. Then without her offer, I told her that I also want to help her.. My mom usually will reject my offer, but I do not know why this time she said 'yes!'.... whoohoo... Then she told me to wake up early, because she will bake around 10.00 am...

With all 'semangat' (spirit?? not sure what it is in English) I set my alarm to wake up at 7.30 am which is 1/2 an hour earlier than my normal get up time on Sunday!!

Today, I woke up 15 minutes earlier than my alarm time. So I decided to sleep for another 15minutes..... AND what happened is that I finally gain my conscious at 9.59 am!!!!! I am SUPER smart!! MY 15minutes = 2++ hours!!! ahahahaha......

The moment I woke up, I just jump from my bed and go to kitchen... I found my mom was baking cake WITHOUT me!! Then I told her, 'wait for me, I also want to bake cake'... Then she said I wake up late, so she bake herself.. T__T I do not care, I faster prepare my self (shower, brush teeth, etc etc) then I helped my mom which almost finish with her cake!!! T___T I do not care!! I told her that I want to bake a cake myself!!!! Then she said no more eggs. I got to buy again! So, I went buy some eggs..

This is the last cake that my mom bake.. It does not look nice to me, because it has small holes on its surface, I do not know why.. My mom said it is because too fast to take it out from the oven!

Oh ya... Talking about oven, my mom's oven is super OLD oven!! BUT it is still good!! I should have taken a picture of it.. haha....

Mommy's cake! 3 layers which usually we called it 'Lapis Surabaya' I do not know what it is called in English, Surabaya Layer cake maybe (direct translation)... lol....

Now it is my turn to bake!! yippiieee....... XD

Preparing eggs (washed with cold water)

Melting the margarine! This is why cake = fattening!!!! T_T

Mixing the eggs and sugar.. After that mix it with flour..
I forgot to take a picture of mixing with flour!! T_T

Before baked....

Tadaaaa........ After baked.... hohoho

DONE! hehehe......

It looks nice right! It IS delicious, even my 3rd brother who usually mocking me said that my cake is DELICIOUS!! hahahaha.... So happpie after years never bake!!! XD

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