Saturday 3 April 2010


I miss blogging.. I miss to crap on my super-not-pro blog.. Haha..

I am writing this post from my Blackberry (BB).. Just wanted to give it a try.. So I can blog whenever and wherever I want (as if I blog often)... LOL..

Hummm.. I think it is not hard to blog from BB,since it has a quite wide LCD screen with QWERTY keypad.. Sooo.. For me it is almost similar when I blog from Desktop or Laptop!

BUT I have no idea how to upload pictures to my blog,edit font's size or type or whatever editing tools are not showed in this screen!! Soo... I still prefer computer!!!

Talking about BB, in Indonesia, BB seems so COOL!! for certain group of peoples which do not include me! Because I just think BB is not as smart as computer,but it is smarter than some other phones!

I personally prefer iPhone over BB!! Some people argue that BB has BBM (Blackberry Messenger) which allows you to communicate (sending short message) with other BB users around the world as long the provider support for international services..
Again,for me BBM is not better than MSN or Yahoo or Google Talk or whatever instant messengers.. Just that BBM gives you the convenient, as in you can chat wherever you are as long you got the GSM services!
BUT but but... Now MSN and other instant messengers are also having their mobile version!!

So.. I do not know!!!

At first I go for BB, but at the same time I also give counter arguments againts it!!
I am so contradicting myself... Hahaha..

This is not the first time I contradicting myself!! In the pervious post, I said that I like to procastinate my tasks, BUT in my chat box I wrote 'Time is Precious'!! See.. I contradicting my statement!! Hahahaha..

Anyway.. This is just a bias review on BB.. Please do not bother this post because I am just crapping whatever I feel like crapping! Hahahaha..

Please Note:

Whoever thought of buying BB, please proceeds with your thought!! Do not bother about my opinion! These are MY opinion, not yours (we might have different needs and wants), unless you have the same view with me.. =p

Byeee.. I am suppose to take a rest, because I am having headache due to too long using computer.. Sooo.. I rest from computer and use BB instead.. Tell me what is the different?? I am still exposing my eyes to screen which makes my headache become worse!! I am smart!! I know that... Hahaha..

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