Saturday 17 April 2010

10 Idiot Guidelines to Kill Yourself

I found this article from a magazine about 1 to 2 years ago... haha.... It was a quite long article, but I have summarized all, because I was in the Library that time and was too lazy to copy everything... lol


Here are the 10 Guidelines:

1. Ignore your bedtime
Researchers found that people that sleep less then 7 or 8 hours have higher risk to have Obesity, Diabetes, and Cancer!!!

2. Ignore Medical Check up
Adults are recommended to do medical check up every year!

3. Never or seldom exercise your Brain

Playing Sudoku, Crossword or even reading help to fight against Alzheimer and you will live longer!

4. Too much sex
hummm...... I have forgotten about the explanation.... It makes me confuse.. Since some researchers said that Sex is healthy..... =.="

5. Stress up

Higher chance to get stroke and Hypertension

6. Too much alcohol

7. Drive too much
Too much driving increase the chance of the getting into car crush or accidents..

8. Be a couch potato
Potato is high in calories and salt! Be prepared to get obesity...

9. Smoking
Lung cancer, as we all know since ages! haha...

10. Chop on Junk food
Fat-laden and sugar heavy junk increase the chance of you having heart disease. e.g. doughnut and drinking coke..

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