Saturday 17 April 2010

The Loyal Earth Hour Participant in Indonesia

Talking about Earth Hour, we just held it on 27 March 2010.... It is the biggest climate awareness campaign ever... It started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia. Homes, businesses, and landmarks participate in this campaign (by turning off their lights for one hour).... All stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour..

IF in other part of the world, they turn off their lights VOLUNTARILY as a symbols of against climate changes, in my hometown, Samarinda, we are FORCED to switch off our lights....!!

Why I said so??

1. Once or twice a week we have NO electricity supply from PLN, Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Government bodies who control the supply of electricity) for at least 6 to 8 hours...

2. If you are not lucky enough, you will experience out off electricity supply TWICE a DAY!!

3. It has been years since PLN Samarinda started its "policy" to cut off the electricity supply in regular basis. Maybe it has been longer than the establishment of Earth Hour.. hahahaha...

Like it or not, WE (Samarinda-ians) have no choice but to support the participation of PLN Samarinda as a LOYAL participant of Earth Hour!!

IF there is a vote on "Which city in this world that fully support Earth Hour campaign?", I will definitely vote for SAMARINDA!! hahaha.....

** This post is inspired from a Status Message of a friend of mine in his Blackberry Messenger **

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