Thursday 15 April 2010

A Stupid-Silly-Crazy Conversation with M***uN

Last night I could not sleep, because I have too much question mark in my head which I have no answers to any of those questions.... So.... I randomly choose a friend of mine from my BBM list... Since M***uN seems stress as well, so I picked her.. hohoho...

The conversation went more or less like this:

(*This conversation has been translated into English for publishing purposes... Those who are Indonesian Readers and know the main character, please read with her expression and also her signature accent in mind! It makes lots of contribution to the originality... lol)

Me: G*******nnn G****nn

M: What is it, Phi?

Me: G*****nn G****nn
M: What??

Me: Nothing, I just feel like calling you... Hahaha....
M: Are you stress??

Me: Yaa... Somehow... What are you doing?
M:Stress... My senior-housemate (called C) came all the while to my room just to gossip with me..
(**for your information, M***uN does not really like her senior-housemate**)

Me: huh... Why is she gossiping with you?? What is she gossiping about??
M: Do not know... She is gossiping about my friends and their boyfriends.. She also talking about her ex-bf...

Me: hahaha....
M: Like I care... None of her craps went in my head. hahahahaha...

Me: (was typing something)
M: (typing faster than me since she has been using BB since ages!! I am just a newbie.... haha) She make my imagination of drinking young coconut gone!

Me: What is it got to do with coconut?? Are you imagining that you are at a beach-side??
M: Yes, I am... At a beach-side, drinking young coconut, seeing handsome westerner... hahha....

Me: hahahaha.... Maybe he is your 'Salmon'.. lol

M: What is it got to do with Salmon??

Me: huh.... Salmonnnn.....
M: What Salmon??

Me: Do not pretend like you do not know...

M: huh... What?? I do not know.

Me: Haihz... I think you have forgotten... Never mind...

M: Oooo.... Salmon = Rich guy is it??

Me: hahaha.....
M: Why Salmon?

Me: Because Salmon is expensive...

M: But not all westerners are rich! If you get a poor westerner then you will be the one that bear his expenses (di porotin)... hahaha...

Me: Then I would say that you have a bad luck! lol....
M: Eh, Phi... Do you have a handsome-rich-western friend?? I want to introduce him to C.. hahaha....

Me: huh... I have a few of them... But I will not let you introduce them to C... C will 'porotin' my friend....!!

M: hahaha.... Then, introduce to me... I will 'porotin' him... hahahaha.....

Me: =.="

M: Eh, Phi.... You have 2 single-brothers right??

Me: Yap... Why?? Interested?? hahaha
M: hummm..... Yap, quite interested... hahahaha... 'bernafsu malah' (I have no idea how to translate this.. haha... lust??) hahaha.....

Me: hahahahaha...... crazy!!

M: My mom is preparing....

Me: What is it??
M: ********* skipped

Me: ******* skipped

M: ****** skipped

Me: ****
M: Haihz... My age have a head of #2 and a tail of #2.. but I do have 2 boyfriends yet!... hahaha

Me: lol.... Same here... I also have no bf yet... T.T
M: You find I*****n guy... Handsome!

Me: YA yaya ya.... I******s are handsome! Muscular & tall, tan skinned, dark-color haired, define eyes, blue-colored eyes... hahahahaha....
M: Ya.... Also hairy body.... haha... You will sleep as if you are in a forest... hahahaha....

Me: =.=" Ask him to shave! What for shaver is invented??? hahaha
M: haha... Like he wish to do.... hahaha...

Me: Of course he will...

M: The more hairy he is the more stinky he is... hahahaha.....

Me: Then ask him to take bath more often...

M: In western countries, they have winter time when it is so cold out there and makes him lazy to take bath... hahahaha....

Me: Then I will pour him with water... hahahaha...

M: Use 'air zuur' (hazardous water) so that his hair will not grow again... hahahahaha....

Me: **** skipped
M: *** skipped

Me: lol... But one of my Malaysian friends love hairy guy.... She said hairy guy = sexy guy... lol

M: hahahaha... Then ask her to marry A*****n... They are hairy.... You will need a year to finish pulling out all his hair!! hahahaha.....

Me: lol....

M: ******

Me: *****

========= END OF THE CONVERSATION =========


* This conversation is just for FUN... No intention of bad talking about western countries and/or western people...

* Characters mentioned in this conversation will not be disclosed unless/otherwise you have known those characters before this post published... OR The main character (M***UN) have told you about the existence of those characters..

* Conversation was held in Indonesian.... Some changes in the structure of the sentences may occur due to translation purposes.... Local accents and improper structure of sentence have been removed, thus may also change the fun parts and thus the originality of the conversation...

* Those skipped conversations is for:
1. Privacy Protection
2. Deleting those not funny or important parts


Special Disclaimer for M***un:

* This is JUST FOR FUN... hahaha....... NO intention to embarrassed you.....

Anyway... Thanks for your "signature joke"... It made my day... Or I should say it made my night better.. haha.....


FUN never last forever though, but there is no single PROBLEM last forever!!

New fun, New problem, New lesson to learn from, New changes, New YOU... =p

Have a good day, everyone!! Enjoy your day to the fullest!!

** tons of love n hug ** XOXO ** (esp for the main character and my loyal readers -- as if I have one... lol)

Going to start gym today!! XD
Wish me Luck!!! =)


  1. i'm speechless!! hahaha..
    air zuur? OMG, pampang bengkel banget!
    what did her mom say about pampang being 22 and single?? poor pampang, haha..


  2. hahaha... ask her directly.....
