Sunday 4 April 2010

Go to my Uncle's 'kebun' (farm)

After baking, of course have to clean up everything which is the part that I hate the most!! hahaha.... It tooks almost an hour to get everything clean! Then I took a rest for few minutes and after that I had a massage session!! hohoho....

Upz... It is now what I want to blog about... What I wanted to write is about my Uncle's kebun! Is is located somewhere around "Tanah Merah" about 30minutes driving from the my house...

This farm mainly produce papayaaaaaaa which I used to hate it before but now I love it! Pathetic... hahaha.....

Since I am too lazy to harvest papaya which is not due yet but my mom insist to bring some home, so I decided to take picture of few scenery which I was randomly picked! haha.... Fortunatelly I follow my instinct to bring DSLR which I borrow from my another Uncle...

Scenery from the villa which is located at the top of the mountain!

Shining-sun (around 5.00 pm)... Just feel like capturing it.. hehe.. Not bad I think... =p

Red Pineapple..
Capture it because my Aunt said it is pretty! Sooooo... I just listen to her.. haha...

My cousins.... Three of them are siblings.... I guess size can show who is the 1st, 2nd and youngest... =p

Me and the youngest (which makes me feel old... T__T) on our way home! =)

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