Thursday 8 April 2010

2nd day in Surabaya

Nothing much happened.. Yesterday five of us went out for dinner together at Tunjungan Plaza Bentoya.. Yesterday night was so fun!! It's like watching comedian live show!! We laugh really really loud (esp me!) Hahaha... Four of us bullied the birthday girl, Gun2.. I can't find the right word to discribe her!! She is smart but sometimes she act like silly girl!! She is too innocent and easily to trust someone.. Her cousin (Mr. T) loves to bully her!! And everytime she always trust Mr. T no matter how many time T lies... Pity her.. T said.. If she dies, she will get express way to go to heaven! Lol... I can't recall back what we laugh at that night.. Because every sentence that Gun2 said, we will make fun of it and just laugh till drop! Hahaha..

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