Wednesday 14 April 2010

The US president died!! =__="

Now it is raining out there, the rain is not heavy, but the wind blow is SUPER strong! I can hear the sound of the blowing wind VERY clear! It is like Typhoon is coming! haha.... But serious! It makes me feel scared.. T__T

Anyway..... I have lots of thing to blog and yet I do not know which one come first! haha..... OK... Lets see... What I feel like blogging first....

Yesterday, mom shocked me.... She went to my room while I was sleeping and said "US president died on airplane accident!"... I was so so SO SUPER shocked, my eyes open widely.. My mind was like "OMG!! Is Obama died??"... Then I grabbed the newspaper that my mom brought along with her... Without spectacles or contact lens, I force my eyes to read the headline... Then what I found is not about US president... It was The President of Poland who died on the accident...

Me: "Mom... He is not the US President, He is the President of Poland!"

Mom: "Isn't it Poland part of US?"

Me: "Hellooo...... Poland and US are two different countries!"

Mom: "Ooo..."


Anyway.... You have my condolence... May you rest in peace...

Please do not mind my mom who does not know that Poland is not part of US.... lol