Monday 26 April 2010

Two Birthday Dates

Hummmppppp.... Finally I am officially at my legal age, 21 year old!!!! I feel so OLD but I am NOT!! I am NOT.....! Hear me... I AM NOT...... T__________T

Am I suppose to feel happy or sad?? I do not know.... Somehow I feel grateful for being 'young adult' but somewhat I feel I am not ready yet to enter into this world.. haha... What I meant is that now I have graduated (despite of the convocation which will be held on July) and I did not take further studies so......... I have to work....!!! In fact now I am at my daddy's office, working on this post and ignoring my job.. hahaha...... I am a professional slacker! hahahahahahaha......

Talking about my birthday, I have 2 (TWO) birthday dates!! hahaha...... One is on 21 and another one is on 26..... haha... Which one is the real one, I do not know... My mom said it is 21, NOT 26.... and since young, my families always celebrate my birthday on 21 and not on 26....

But But..... The Certificate of Birth wrote 26, not 21.... Even the letter from Hospital wrote 26!! SO, who is right and who is wrong?? haha....

Anyway.. I do not really care about it... Since I have two birthday dates, plenty of my friend ask me, on which day should I wish you?? Then I will say "whatever, either date will do.."

Then.... After 21 years old.... One of my friend wished me on 21, He said "Happy Bdae ya, Phil.. All the best!"... Then this morning he wished me again....... and he said "Happy fake birthday ya"...... At the moment I red his message, I laugh!! This is the first time someone is actually wish me "fake birthday"..... haha.... I really never thought of this!! lol....

Another person did almost the same thing.... On the 21th, she called me and wished me, happy birthday... Then today she message me and said.... "Slamat ultah buat yg berdasarkan [a]kte kelahiran yah..." (Happy birthday according to your certificate of birth...) =___________="

Then then........ A friend of mine post this on FB:

"Penipuan".. PAM sebenarx lahir di Samarinda pd tgl 21 APRIL 1989,bukan 26 APRIL.. Wkwkwkwk.. V(^,^)v"


"Fraud.... PAM is actually born on 21 APRIL 1989, not on 26 APRIL.... hahaha...."

=______________________________________=" All my effort to keep it from some of my overseas friends are GONE!!

But, nevermind.. I do not care... hahahaha............ Having 2 birthday dates is not a bad thing, I guess and I hope... Coz... I can choose either date to celebrate my birthday... hahaha.... back in Malaysia... for the past 3 years, I always feel the birthday atmosphere on the 26th.... Since my friends always give me a surprise on the 26th, and not on the 21st... BUT after come back to my beloved Samarinda town, I feel that 21st is my birthday date....!! Despite of being forgotten by my mom... hahahahaha.....

and and and... One more thing..... I failed to reach my goal by 21st!! sad sad sad.... T______T
Now I have to set a new target.... T__________T

Oh yaa.... Usually Malaysian parents will give her daughter a key as a symbol that they are a 'young adult' now.... BUT my mom did not gave me a present man!!! She even forgot to cook 'mee sua' for me!! sad case weeeiiii!!! T______T

Overall... I have a Sweet-Sour-Bitter-21st-Birthday!!! hahahaha....

Tons of love, kiss and hug for my friends.... XOXO.... XD


  1. My mummy oso said she wun gimme a key!!! She say a key looks very childish T__T

    Susu and I are hunting for a key for you! No worries heh heh heh. But dun put ur hopes too high. It's VERY hard to find a nice one T__T

  2. huaaaa... really??? touching touching.... T___T love you so much... muach muach....

    my mum dun even know that such thing exist.. hahaha
