Monday 26 April 2010

My 21st~~

Yesterday I went out with 3 friends of mine, call them A, B, and C.... We went to a shopping center, named Samarinda Central Plaza (SCP).... We went for a movie, My name is Khan, and after that we had our early dinner at Pizza HUT (on my request)...

Then.... I ordered a plate of lasagna EXTRA cheese, a papaya float and a cup of ice cream (Mix 4 fun)....

Mix 4 fun is suppose to be served with a nice-colorful-cup as the picture showed below:

BUT it did NOT turned up as what it is shown on the picture.... It was served with a BOWL... A SOUP BOWL!

I asked the waitress why our ice cream is not like the picture?? She said... They are running out of stock!! =________________=" Helloooo... She should inform me earlier!! I was a bit disappointed!! BUT nevermind, since that day I was carving for Ice cream... haha... Before a movie, I had a scoop of Durian-Vannila Ice cream.. hahaha.....

So.... A friend of mine was also having Ice Cream.... So, we go to the counter together and start mixing it up.......

FAT laaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~~ T____________________T

Tadaaaa........ This is mine... See my mixing skill...
It really is a MESS..... But.. It is still looks nice huh... hahaha.....

Papaya Float

SO.... In total for that day itself, I had 3 scoops of Ice Cream!!!! Then in the morning, I had 4 praline chocolates and a Truffle!! and my Lasagna is topped with EXTRA cheese....!!! I am a dead meat!! My efforts that I put on exercise are GONE in one day!!! T____________________T

Eh Eh... I want to reveal a secret..... Lasagna at Pizza HUT is NOT nice anymore though I have added extra cheese.... T___T sad........

I should have treated them on other restaurant.... Actually I wanted to treat them on the 24th night, which is on Saturday night, but but... my niece got fever and she dun let me leave her house.... Sooooo.... I deferred it to yesterday.... haha... and I was looking for an outdoor restaurant, but I just can't find any!!!! T________________T

So..... yaaa... Pizza HUT is my final choice! haha....

Thanks to LC (initial) for the Dvd... I have not watched it YET... But SOon enough... =)

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