Wednesday 14 April 2010


Writing this post from my 2nd bro's computer at office while waiting for my mom to finish her so called 'business'... haha.... She likes to go office when office hour is about to end... Why?? Because she wants to check everything as if she is a Police (that is what my bros and I like to call my mom when she ask lots of questions in the office...) lol.... Actually she just feel bored at home and she can only go out after 3 o'clock (after maid finish working)...

Anyway... It is not what I want to say here.... 1 - 2 weeks ago, family of mine came to my house.. One of the three is a two-years old girl.. The rest are elders... Since I have no idea on what my mom and the two were talking about, I choose to play with the girl...

At first she does not want to 'choi' (respond) me... She ignored me no mater how I try to talk to her.... Then suddenly I thought of playing ball with her.... (Inspired by my niece who does not like to play with dolls or soft toys but BALL!!)... She did choi me after that... Then we play....

1st - 2nd round the two of us did not talk much.... and the distance between us was about 3-4 meters...

3rd - 4th round getting closer, about 2-3 meters and we start to talk though it was quite hard to understand what she said....

5th - 7th round getting more close, about 1 - 2 meters and she keep talking though I did not ask her anything...... =.="

7th round on wards (till both of us get bored), two of us really close!! It is about 0.5 - 1 meters.... I asked her to go few steps behind, BUT she does NOT want!! =__="

She followed me everywhere I go.... I went inside my room, she followed..... Even I went to drink water, she was next to me..... I went toilet, she waited me outside......... =______________=" She is more demanding than my niece......

Then, I brought some origami papers.... I was amaze with my origami skill which is 'brilliant'... I think I will score 1 out of 10... haha...

I have forgotten how to make hat, plane, and other shapes.... I tried to make prawn, but I FAILED... haha.....

Besides, I also taught her how to draw.....

Haha... Nice drawing isn't it?? lol.....

Oh ya... The girl asked me to buy paper glue and colored pencils because I do not have any and she wants to visit me again to play and draw with me.... Teeheeee....... I am such a good babysitter... hahaha...... ^o^

Btw... I have forgotten her nameeeee........ =.="

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