Sunday 4 April 2010

Skillful hunting partner?? I AM!!

My 3rd bro asked for my help... He wanted to hunt mouse in our house!!

My house got one old car which should have been scrapped few years ago, but the owner insist to keep it and he asked my family to keep it!!!!!!! As a result his car become the Mouse's House (nest?? whatever!)..!!

Then one day when my brother was about going off to office, he got his car breaks down!!! He asked a technician to repair his car, then the technician said that the break down was due to mouse bite!!! My bro was so upset... So, today he decided to hunt mouse!!!

Since it is at night, he needs someone to hold a torch so that he can see clearly, which I was in charge in! Few times we caught the mouse, but because of my 'skill', the mouse got away!!!

When we caught the mouse, I will make a noise which make the mouse notice our existence and run or hide!!

So, at the end we got 0 (Zero) mouse!! hahaha...... Thanks to my 'skill'!! I am a skillful hunting partner!!! hahahahaha...........

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