Wednesday 7 April 2010

Surabaya Again!!

I have been going in and out Surabaya for 4 times since January this year!! The reason behind is to see skin doctor which require me to control every 1 to 1 1/2 months!!

My appointment to see doctor was on 6 April which is yesterday! I flew from Balikpapan to Surabaya because my beloved hometown (Samarinda) does not have a big airport to accommodate those Boeing or Airbus or whatever big airplanes... Pathetic isn't it?? Since Samarinda is the capital city of East Borneo... It should have a big airport!!!!!!

Anyway, I have to go by car from Samarinda to Balikapapan.... It takes 2 hours of driving!! A friend of mine (Amah) is following me to go to Surabaya!... On our way to Balikpapan, there is a girl who sat next to Amah, she got car sick and vomit inside the car, luckily she got plastic bag!! Besides, she also broke her sandal!!! Her ONLY sandal......!! She looks pale and sad like she is going to cry if there is nobody around her! She asked Amah, how?? how??... Then my friends said 'you can buy one in the airport later'.. However, that does not change her feeling much... She still looks so worry and sad!

Since I brought my sandal, so I gave her mine when we reached Sepinggan (International Airport of Balikpapan).... I think God was working on me!! That morning, before I left home, I suddenly insist to bring my sandal although my mom keep saying no need to bring that sandal and buy a new one in Surabaya! BUT at the end I brought that sandal and I have no regret, because someone was in need!!! OMG.... I think that time my soul was not in my body, I think Holy spirit was in my body!! hahahaha..... Since than she followed us wherever we go (since she was also flying to Surabaya on the same plane with us) until we are boarding... God bless her!

Then.......... NOW I ended up with NO sandals..... I have to use my cousin's sandal which is 4 size SMALLER than my size until I bought a new one!! God bless me... hahaha....

My initial plan was go to doctor and join my friends to give birthday surprise to GunGun..... BUT BUT BUT it tooks 3++ hours to see the doctor!! Then it was too late to join my friends...... I missed the birthday surprise... T_T

Nevermind... Today I am going to meet the birthday girl! hehe.....

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