Thursday 15 April 2010

1st day back to Gym~~ =p

Today I went to gym for cardio exercises ONLY... haha.... Pity me... but, nvm.... That is my target for today!!!

I burned 300++ calories tonight... but I guess the cake that I had as my tea time is more than 300 calories... I damn genius... hahaha....... Blame my mom for baking cake during my diet periooood........ hahaha.... =p

But the cake is delicious...!! I decided to bake cake on Sunday... hohoho......

But but... Today I will say it is a success for me... hoho... coz I did not had my dinner but meal replacement... hoho..... Hope it works... hehehe......

I got 24 days only before the photo-shoot session.... haha... I am dead meat!!! X_X

but but but.... My feeling said that I will and I can make it.... hahahaha........ Pray hard, work hard...... =p

** gotta continue silly stupid crazy conversation with M***un again ** hohoho...... XD

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