Tuesday 14 December 2010

Westlife (Again) XD

Hey! Try to listen to this great song!

Boys Band: Westlife

Title: I will reach you


Try to listen to every sencetence and you will know why I love this song. Romantic lyric they have here!!! XD

Monday 13 December 2010


aaaaa........ I am SUPER DAMN JEALOUS MAN!! Jealous with a friend of mine who went to Redang Island with her bf! I just looked through her photo album, they seems had loads of fun!! arghh.......

Well... Went to a beach and wear bikini is one of my target.... BUT I don't have enough courage to wear bikini in the near future... and and I got few more months left to reach my target, as in slim down and get everything well prepared... T__________T Oh man, I wonder if I can make it in few months... arghh... so Jealous....... T__________________________T

Go, Phi!! I can do it!! If she can, why can't I?? I can and I will! humppp....

Sunday 5 December 2010


Well... I don't know what is wrong with today.... But everything seems so linked to each other...

First, Morning around 10.00 am, I got a "warning" from a friend of mine, we are quite close.. But I guess, things are going to change starting from today... Starting from that moment when I received the 'warning"... hmmm.. It is hard to explain, even I don't know what is my fault... It was just a gift, a souvenir.... Like what I am going to give to other friends.... I did NOT have any other 'motivations' behind it! arghh.... *emo*

Then...... Second one.... My mom! argh... All of sudden, she brought a case that I never have even thought about it before... Not even once... Oh my! I seriously have no idea why she brought that matter up...

However, frankly speaking, when I think back and reflect what has happened few days ago before this thing happened, I saw a connection.... The case that my mom brought might be due to Mother's natural sense. You know like mother have feeling about any bad or good things are going to happen or happening to their children. Ya... I guess what happened few days ago makes my mom got a bit worry over it... humppp....

and another surprise came from an application on Facebook, God wants you to know.. I got this message:

"Philia, we believe that God wants you to know that when whispers do not get your attention, bricks will fly your way. Don't speed through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention. Slow down and be present."

You know what... the moment I read this message, I don't really get the meaning... but slowly...

I got it... the whispers...... I guess they are referring to my friend's warning and mom's advice... I got to pay more attention about my closeness or friendliness to everyone, before bricks fly over!!

Anyway, thanks to God, Mom and My friend (tho I believe this will affect our relationship)....

Saturday 27 November 2010

Leaving to Korea........ XD

Leaving for Korea soon enough... Well.. I just want to write something here... =p

Please pray for me as North Korea and South Korea is having war... They have been in war since years ago anyway.. BUt still please pray for me... May God take care of me and the other participants.... and and bless us...

Thank You....

Saturday 20 November 2010

A Little Too Not Over You

Just wanna share a link... ;p


Song: A Little Too Not Over You

Artist: David Archuleta

He is sooooo cute in this MV..... and I love this MV!! It is so touching.... T___T

Friday 19 November 2010

Happening November


Suprisingly, November is so much more HAPPENING than I ever expected....

I have been having so much of great time, good laugh, quality sharing, experiences....


I have been having un-expected tears, un-expected dissappointment, un-expected anger....

Well... I have encountered almost all sort of emotions from early Nov up to Today!! XD

The only thing I can say is that

God works so AMAZINGLY in my life!!

Thank God for wonderful families and friends that You has given to me! They mean so so MUCH to me!!

Hoping for better better and better day, weeks, months, and years ahead! XD

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Surprise from a PLAIN Girl! XD

What I am doing now, I am still isolationg myself... (maybe I have to end this soon enough, since I have a meeting tonight and of course I have to catch up with the rest of meeting's members.. =)). Not many people know about my blog, but those two who have found me in here, they really know me well.. >.<.

Anyway... Yesterday I have forgotten to mention that I have 2 phones (2 contact numbers) and only one of them I have deactivated... The other one is still ON, but, like this blog, not many of them know this number.... However.... Just half an hour I got a surprise from a friend of mine... She called me to this not-so-known-number....! You know what... I expected her to asked me "where are you?" or "why are you isolating yourself?" or some other questions pertaining my "hiding"..

BUT in fact, she asked me other questions!! NOT related at all!! ahhaha.... She really are something... Not-so-sensitive-type-of-person!! XD... She asked me about the wedding on the 17th Nov, whether I will go to saloon or just make over myself.... Besides, she also asked me about BlackBerry Services!! She asked me what provider am I using and how I change to that provider (she is currently using other provider)?? SEE... She is totally out of my expectations... hahahaha.... BUT she made my day... At least she know where to find me... and her PLAINNESS (Indonesian: polos/lugu) and SPONTANEOUS have lifted my mood.... XD...

So, who is She???

I bet Lee GaGa can guess it right.... XD


She isss....


She is our beloved Pampang a.k.a GunGun a.k.a Yani a.k.a Mariani... hahaha.....

Love ya, Gun! and thanks for calling tho you call for "fun"... hahaha....

Hunt Photos at Night with Bro =)

Last night, after I had a good chat with Bro Vin, we went out in the middle of the night, around 1.00 a.m.... JUST to hunt for photos! hahaha.....

Well... He has interest and passion in vehicles, he has lot of heavy vehicles miniatures, he knows well about technical thingy which is very confusing when he started to explain to me (my face will be shrinking away, think hard! haha...) but thanks to him! more or less I know some technical thingy... =D

Well... So, last night we went out to take photos of his (company's) vehicle, when they are loading a crane (another heavy-vehicles used to move bulky items).. haha... I don't really know how to explain.. but ya... We take few photos before my camera is finally running out of power! hiks..... T____T. I am so NOT pro..... How come I forgot to charge my battery!! T__T.

To be frank, I really am not a pro yet... I found it a bit hard to find a good angle... He found for me... In fact he has a better eyes, better vision, better sight... haha... All I have to do it just 'click'... haha.... XD

Anyway... From this experience, I learned new things (since I rarely hunt photos at night / low-light photography):

1. CHARGE your battery pleaseeee.... =.=" Coz Flash is taking lots of power!!!

2. TRY to find a good grip, don't let your hand shake, since the shutter will stay opened longer.... meaning there is high chance for your photos to bluurrr....

3. Unbalance BRIGHTNESS of lights will cause part of your photo lose the details and the light burst out.. (see my photos when I have posted everything up! I have been talking of uploading my photos, but I have not do that... WHY coz I have no time.. haha.... Office connection is so bad, so I can only posted photos from home... hehe...)

So... Yap.. So far that is what I learned from last night experience... hehe...

Thanks bro! XD

Monday 15 November 2010

Quality Chat with Bro Vin

hehe... *smile* *big big big smile* wkwkwkwk.... XD

Love my Brothers so much.... The three of them! ;p

Anyway.... I just had a good quality chat with bro Vin, my third bro... We talked about guys- and girls-stuff.. personal stuffs... hehe... We were talking about that guy, that person, that girl, another girl, bla bla bla... heheh.... We were also talking about my trip to Korea (on the 27th of this month... aww... I am looking forward! XD).

Slowly he started to share stories with me... Oh yaa! He invited me to go to Balikpapan! to meet a girl that he go after.... hehehe... BUT too bad... I have plan for tomorrow's night and on Wed... T__T. So I turned down his invitations... but but... still praying the best for him.... XD... Love him... and love my other brothers too... hehe...

Isolation is in Progress

Finally!! I found reasons to ISOLATE myself... Well.. Actually I have been thinking about isolating myself quite sometimes ago.. But I found that back then when I was about isolating myself, there were counter-reasons in doing it... Soo... It was just a big talk back then... But Today, I really am Isolating myself... Well.. It is not like exactly what I wrote in previous post, like go to somewhere remote where nobody knows me... Today will be a Semi-Isolation! XD...

So, let's start how I came up with this "semi-isolation"....

Day by day passed, till I am here, Today November the 15th, 17.59 p.m....

This morning, I wake up with not so-good mood, but it was not that bad.. Sometimes I have worse than this morning's mood... BUT.... When Afternoon came and greet me, there were no changes in my mood, it was flat, a little bit of "sick", a little bit of anger, a little bit of disappointment, a little bit of fear...

Well... After I had a short-good chat with few friends of mine, my mood was a little bit lifted up...

BUT "STOP" there

Someone interrupted my good chats... Ruined my mood..... Stepping my mood further down low... Down LOW!! Till I really have reasons of isolating myself.... (well... It was a HIGHLY-TOP-PRIVATE-AND-CONFIDENTIAL-STUFFS, so I am not going to put it here..)

So, here I am... Semi-Isolating myself... haha.... Why SEMI?? Let's see.... ;p

1. I have de-activated my BlackBerry Messengers services (well this is also due to STUPID BlackBerry.. It suddenly went crazy... It invited everyone in my contact list for a conference chat! I don't know what is wrong with it.... I did not do anything harmful!) arrgh.....

2. I have decided not to look at my FB account while isolating myself... Just few minutes ago I posted "Isolation is in progress.. Let's play hide and seek... XD.. Those who know me well know how to find me.. ;p" on my FB wall... So, let's see who are those people that can find me.... hehehe..... I wonder if the trio know.... Well... One of them is absolutely out... Since, he doesn't have a FB account any longer... What about the rest?? Well let's see.. haha.... But.. Tho they can't find me, I might be the one who find them.. haha...

3. I will keep writing on my blog.... hehe... coz I need place to express my overwhelming emotions... haha....

4. I am in MY room, meaning I am in MY house (correction: dad's house) where almost all friends know where is it... hahaha.... So... It is actually easy to find me.... Just came to my house, and you will get to see me.. haha.. But I bet NO one will come... The trio will not come, coz they all are not in Samarinda right now... They are in different places.... =)

But what I meant here is not find me as if came and see me... (well if you do, then I really am grateful to have you.. =) *hugs*) What I meant is look for me as if contacted me on phone or this blog of mine... hehehe... Coz not many people know about this blog... Few of them.... =)


Some of my friends might think that isolation = off from BBM... Well... For them... You all don't know me well then... hahahah.... BUT still... Thanks for being my friends... =)

OMG!! I just remembered that tomorrow I have a meeting!! and on Wednesday, Nov 17, I have to attend a wedding party... haha... SO basically I am not isolating myself... hahahah.....

Wrong timing.... hahaha.... XD

Anyway... Whoever read this post, may you care enough to let me know by leaving a word(s) to this post or in my chat box... hehe..

Thanks... Love ya! XD

Tuesday 9 November 2010

BE SHE Contest

Why this contest suddenly came up???

Well.. A friend of mine, Lee GaGa is the mastermind behind this contest. His older brother got engaged on the November 7th at Samarinda Central Plaza's Ballroom. Lee has set the dress code for us (Pampang Lovers), Sparkling Gold.

However, since most of us don't have any Gold Dresses, he decided to loosen the requirements. We are allowed to wear Gold or Yellow or Brown color dress.. But still... Some of us do not have it. So, he came up with this term, 'BE SHE'.

What is BE SHE stands for???






Frankly speaking I (We) don't know that he was planning to make such contest. I thought it was just a dress code. =.="

On that day it self, I was busy the whole day (read my next post).. I don't even have the time to prepare myself... But luckily my mom has a Yellow dress, so I decided to wear it... =D

So, lets have a look at the contestants.... XD

First, we have Miss Taiwan which has been nominated as Miss Sexy... =p

Second, we have Miss Singapore who is actually Miss Taiwan's younger sister.. =)

Next, we have Miss Botswana... XD She has been nominated as Miss Hot.. XD

Then we have Miss Hongkong who got the best Hairdo and Makeup award.. =D

We also have Miss India, best in Accessories. She got nominated as Miss Energetic.. =)

Miss Congeniality has been nominated to Miss China as the Miss beautiful... =p

The best legs has been awarded to Miss Switzerland... =)

Last but not least, Miss Bali!! As Miss who has the most healthy skin! XD

Last one, me myself, Miss Malaysia! The Miss Matching.. XD

Group Picture of the Contestants

Another one with the Judge.. XD

AND the winner isss......... Wanna have a guess???

The winnerrr issss......










MISS SINGAPORE!!! Congratesssss to Miss Singapore... She won this contest! She is truly 'BE SHE' (copied from the judge, Lee GaGa) XD

But, I do agree! She is stunning that night tho I did not see her personally, but picture is the prove! XD

Congratzz Congratzzz..... XD

Btw.... 1st Runner Up is Miss Malaysia, followed by Miss Bali!! LOL... XD

Safe by Westlife

Just want to share a song....

SAFE by Westlife


A nice song with deep meaning!

Enjoy....... =)

Again.... After SomeTime

Well... Talking about my emotion now..... My feeling is just overwhelmed...

At one point I feel happy, coz "it" has finally awakened again after sometime.... after all the tears and hardship I went through to get it over...


At another point, I feel insecure.... as "it" has finally awakened, I am scared that the same thing will happen again.... ='( which I really really... really... hope that it will not happen again... ='(

I cannot imagine and don't even dare to imagine it....

What I can do is to PRAY and put EFFORTS....

Friday 5 November 2010

Silly yet Meaningful Mistake

Today's feeling is so nice.... Tho I wake up with not-so-friendly mood, then getting worse in the afternoon.. Till it is fully changed to GREAT mood... WHY? coz I did something silly.... I call it 'stupid yet meaningful mistake'... hahaha...

This afternoon, I went to a place where I used to go regularly few year ago... I kinda miss this place... One of the blind witnesses of my worth-to-remember-moments... =)

Why I call it stupid?? Coz it was just based on silly reasons (buy tickets)...

Why it is meaningful?? Coz I went in to the place again after so long... and nothing much has changed.... =). We met.... XD

Why it is a mistake?? Coz it made my day!! haha... It makes the line become clearer and clearer that we have ended everything... =)

Song Playing: 'Anyone of Us by Gareth Gates'

Best quote: "anyone can hurt someone they love, hearts will break coz I made a stupid mistake"

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeM9KkaV1_I

Happy Listening everyone..... Enjoy the song and the rest of your day!! XD

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Just a Dream

Last night I had another dream.... Surprisingly, it was about a guy who has not been contacting me for some time..

Like I said in previous post, I will have a hard time to remember the story of my dream... That is what happened to this dream... The moment I wake up, I still have the storyline in my head, but it only last for few minutes before it is gone....

Now, the only thing I can recall back is the guy appeared in my dream and roughly, the message behind the dream... The explicit message was about TIME... Time to wait, I guess...

Well... I have no idea why this guy appeared in my dream, since I have not seen him for quite some time and we have not talk much recently.. Besides, I was not thinking about him last night... In fact I was thinking about something else... Well... Maybe what I have been thinking of is related to him.... Or maybe my subconscious is thinking about him but my brain is refuses to admit it.... Well... I don't know...

You know what?? Sometimes it is hard for me to differentiate a real dream and my dream..

Real dream that I mention here is referring to a dream that is PURE from your sleep, uncontrolled and unplanned....

My dream here is referring to a dream that I WISH to happen... Somehow I can add some 'additional' storyline in... You know like, ermm... You want something to happen the way you want it to be...

Well... I am not sure... Sometime I mixed them up... I really do... huff.... Like this dream, I don't know if this is a real dream or my dream.... =___________="

Then... The moment I switch on the TV, MTV was playing this song, Just a Dream by Nelly... Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6O2ncUKvlg&ob=av3e

It is like... I don't know... A sign or a coincidence...? However.... I believe that nothing in this world is a pure coincidence... It is all planned by God... =)

Well... I guess I need to wait for a while... XP

Exciting Day 1 and Day 2 in Surabaya

Well... Lets just have a quick session...

I wanted to blog since the moment I arrived in Surabaya... Yep! I am in Surabaya (again) for don't know how many times..... I flew from Balikpapan to Surabaya on the 1st November... So, when I wrote this post, I have been in Sby for 2 days 2 nights pass few hours.. hahaha....

So, where to begin?? hmm... Lets see... This time, it is abit different... Usually I used to stay at my family's place, but this time I stay at a hotel... Surprised huh, for a girl to stay alone in a hotel?? haha... Well... I really am wondering why am I so brave?? hahaha...

So... My flight on 1st Nov was actually a sudden change in plan... The initial plan was to fly oven on the 8th... But Dr. Indro (the skin doctor I used to see) suddenly change the appointment from 8th to 1st November... So, yappp... I am here, in Surabaya... haha...

At first my mom did not allow me to stay alone at hotel... But after a quite hard discussion, my mom agree... yay! hehe... One problem solved.... The next problem is that.... Where should I stay, I mean in which hotel?? The only thing I know is to stay as close as possible to Tunjungan Plaza Mall, a.k.a TP (a shopping centre). WHY? because if I want to go somewhere else, it will nit be that far... Well... What I am trying to say here is that... The location of TP is in the centre of Surabaya City, so it is convenient to go anywhere from this place...

So, I set my target to stay as close as possible to TP... The next problem was... I only know 2 hotels nearby TP, which are Tunjungan Hotel and Sheraton Hotel... Well... Tunjungan Hotel is a old hotel, and I have heard a rumor about how scary this hotel is.... So it is a BIG NO for me to stay here... I really am scared about this,,,, Thus, my only choice is to stay at Sheraton Hotel.... Well... You all of course have heard this name before... Sheraton has a big name in Hospitality Industry... So.... I tried to call Sheraton to ask the price.... and guess what..... A superior room will cost you RP. 1.200.000,- NETT include breakfast for 2 persons... I really was shocked... I never expect this rage of price... MY God!! So, I left with NO choice...

I was in chaos.... I ask so many friends... Luckily I have Jennie... She helped me to find a hotel nearby TP... It is just 5 minutes walking distance to TP.... This hotel named FaveHotel.. Problem Solved...

Next will be.... How I get there since I am not familiar with Sby.... ?? Well... Luckily a friend of mine, Merit, picked me up in airport... (I recently knew her and she is so nice to me, she picked me up at airport after he school is finished)... Well... Merit picked me up and bring me to meet Jennie at Galaxy Mall.. It was a quite long driving.... I really am thankful to have them in Sby, else I will have to stay at Tunjungan hotel which I really am scared to stay at... The reason Merit did not drive me to the hotel instead to meet Jennie is because Jennie helped me to buy FaveHotel Voucher and Merit doesn't know where is FaveHotel.... Accommodation problem is FULLY solved...

Day 1, Jennie brought me to eat at Leko, we discussed few things, since we planned to start a partnership... hehe... Then she drove me to Dr. Indro clinic.... =)

Day 2, I had my very 1st breakfast in FaveHotel.... Well... Since this hotel is a low-cost-hotel, the breakfast served is just a super simple breakfast... You will have a toast (or non-toast) bread, eggs (on request) and fried rice... As per drinks, you can have tea, coffee, water, and orange juice which is not a fresh orange juice, fake one... hahaha.... Well... That is expected... The only thing that is not expected is that... When I had my breakfast, a guy (seems like he is a businessman, judging from his outfits), acted as if this hotel is a high class hotel.. He order the waiters like his own personal waiters, he speaks SO loud as if the whole room is his, he complained about the fried rice, he said WHAT is this?? Fried Rice with NOTHING! This is NOT fried rice (well... in this case he is right, but the way he talks is the real matter here... Besides he should have expected this from a low-budget hotel!!).. The next thing he did is, he asked a waiter to serve him a sugar-free-hot-tea, again he speak loud, and he really is BOSSY!!!).... Then he ordered a fried egg, but the fried egg came abit late... and guess what he did?? AGAIN, he scolded the waiters and speak out VERY loud "Bikin telur dadar aja kok berjam jam? Bisa masak gak km??? Saya cuma punya 5 menit" (Translated: "Why it takes hours to cook a fried egg? Do you know how to cook?? I only have 5 minutes left")... OMG!!! How I hate this type of guy... Hellooooo... Don't you know that you are very annoying?? You are disturbing people around!!..... and HELL with your business... You have to know how to respect people and please MANAGE your time, don't just complaint about people!!! arggghh... So emo talking about this guy!!!

huff... Lets continue another thing happened... Well.. After I had my breakfast, Jennie came, then we continue our conversation about your business plan for quite some times, before we actually left hotel and went to TP for shopping! hahaha.... I was looking for a dress to attend a wedding party.... But after so many time of trying, I did not get to buy any dress.. haha... coz some is just not good enough, some are too expensive... T___T Anyway.. I had a GREAT time with Jennie.. She helped me alot and keep me accompanied! She is a good shopping friend! Thanks, Jen!! XD

Then we had our late lunch (4pm) at Grand City mall, a new shopping centre in Sby before she finally drove me back to Hotel... =D

Once reached hotel, I was planning to stay at hotel whole night and blogging or do something in Hotel... However, Merit asked me out... She asked me to go dinner with her... So.... I decided to go with her, since she has no one to eat with... and well... for some other reasons as well... =)

We went to Galaxy Mall, she had Pepper Lunch and I had Sour Sally... haha... I am on DIET, remember?? hahaha.... We had some 'story' telling session... hehe.. Well... She did more than me, I was just responding and listening to her 'complaints'... =D. Just hoping I am good enough to lessen her burden... =)

Well... What is so special on the 2nd was that so many people is looking for me... From a routine contact to the quite often to rare contact... haha... (DSRFDA).... I had great chat with all of them.... *hugs* hehehe... =p

OMG!! Did not I said I want to make it a quick session??? I ended up with this long post... hahaha.. but everything is just flowing and my hand is keep typing... ahahhaa....

OKOK... Got to sleep now... hehe... Will continue another session tomorrow, I hope.. hehe....

Cyaaa..... *hugs*

Monday 1 November 2010


Feel so guilty.. O(╥﹏╥)o
I guess I'm too selfish and still immature.. O(╥﹏╥)o
Promise I will bring her the next time she wants to go.. O(╥﹏╥)o

Thursday 28 October 2010

Life = Treasure Hunt

Yesterday night I was so happy before I eventually felt a little bit worry.... Well.... Almost all my friends said that I am over-worried.. haha... and frankly speaking, I am over-worried... sometimes, not all the time... haha....

Well... Last night while I was playing HulaHoop and thinking about something, my brain suddenly came up with this short paragraph:

"Life is like a Treasure Hunt.. You can’t get the treasure without passing through so many challenges.. Hard work, Commitments, Determinations, Faith, and Loyalty to family & friends are essentials.. Tears and Laughs is the foods and drinks that you will find in every challenge to keep you strong… Once you passed those challenges, you will find that your LIFE is the MOST valuable treasure ever.. =)"

I am not really sure what I was thinking about till I came up with this sound-so-pro-paragraph.. hahaha.....

Anyway.... I just want to have some sort of short sharing here....

I used to complain about my life... Keep asking why this and that happened to me... But you know what, recently (though sometimes I still complaining) I started to see that my life is so meaningful because of those things I used to complain about....

I am who I am now is because of those things... and of course because of JC, who always there whenever I need Him, and my family & friends who always there to keep me accompanied....

So, from now onwards, I will try my best to solve and treasure every single challenge I face!! =)

Monday 25 October 2010


I rarely had a dream... Or maybe when I had a dream, the moment I woke up in the next morning, I will never able to recall back what was my dream.. Well I can recall back part of it, but not the whole dream... Most of the time, only the characters appeared in my dreams that I could recall back.. The flow or the story of the dreams could not be recalled back...

Well... After so long never had a dream (or forget about it), recently I had 2 dreams....

The first one was a dream few days ago.. Well.. It was a dream about me, mom and a dolphin in a room... I don't know if it has a certain meaning... Some people believe that dream(s) do have meaning... Well.. If it is true, then I hope that it means something good were to happened... Amen.

The second one is just so fresh in my mind.... The characters were basically my friends (I am so not going to mention names).. There were 4 of us (including me).... I remember everyone, except 1 person.... I tried to hard to recall who was that person, but I came up with nothing....

Anyway.... This dream is a mix of reality and my intuitions.. haha... This dream made me think a lot and worry too much.... I am scared what I dream about will be a reality... T_T

Hoping that it is just a dream... *pray* *pray* *pray* Amen...

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Wedding Wedding Wedding!! My DREAM Wedding! XD

Ermmm.. Seems that September and October is the marriage season for Chinese.. I don't really understand how they look at the calendar and point out which date is a good date for marriage.. But Chinese believe that some dates are not good for marriage..

Well.. It is all belief.... When you believe on it, then it works.... If you don't then it doesn't work.... =D

To me, I will just stick with those belief... I am not 100% believe it, but wouldn't be better if we follow it and try to avoid those bad stuff? It is for our own good anyway... XD. Besides, my mom is quite particular with those stuffs, so... I guess I will have to follow those traditions... XD

Well Well Well.... Since we are in the middle of "Marriage Months".. People keep asking me "Do u have a boy-friend yet?" or "Where is your boy-friend?".. Some even ask me "When are you getting married?"

The answer to those question is "I don't have a boy-friend yet"

Then they will start asking "Why?".. Some people said "You should get one" or "You have to start finding one" or "Faster get one before it is too late"

OMG!! Don't you all know that it is very depressing to me! Well.. I really am aware that I should get one... It is not that I don't want to have a bf, but I just have not found the right one YET... I am finding !! T____T

Or is it because I am too picky?? Well.... I don't know.... hixx hixx....


Let's put that bf thingy aside first....

Let's back to topic, Marriage!

Well... Though I don't have a bf yet, it doesn't meant that I don't have my dream wedding party! hohoho... XD

First of all, I would love to have an outdoor (preferred to be in meadow - if possible with a small pond somewhere visiblle) wedding celebration, with a simple-classic design..

Chairs in whites.... Buckets of flowers and ribbons along the way to the altar..

Slow-romantic melody from a small orchestra (at least a Grand Piano) in one side... and a simple-yet-pretty wedding cake in another side..

A stack of empty glasses with two bottles of Champage..

Wearing a long-white-elegant-wedding gown..

A pair of lovely wedding ring..

"throwing" flower bucket tradition (well.. this is not chinese traditions, but.. who cares?? this is MY dream wedding... XD)..

It would be better if it is held in the morning,... Invitations will be strictly for families and CLOSE friends... =D.. As for the refreshment... It will be self-service, take the foods and back to your own seats... hohoho... Foods should be chinese foods.. ahaha.... Wlse no one can enjoy the refreshment! hahaha.... Then..... I would like to have a range of desert (Chocolates, Cakes and Puddings) LOL..... Oh yaaa... It will be so much better to have slow dance during the refreshment time... XD

FINE!! I am DREAM-ing!! hahaha.... I don't think I will have such a wedding ceremony! hahaha.....

I guess this is the effect of watching tooo much western movies!! and franklly speaking, I kinda love western custom.... XD

Saturday 16 October 2010

Lychee Pudding for the Starve Me

Something silly happened last night... Like I told everyone, I am on diet.. I order to lose weights, I go to Aerobic classes in the morning and also taking care of my diet menu.. However, I the diet plan doesn't really work on me.. Maybe because my determination and motivations are not strong enough for me to refuse the temptation to eat! and SNACK! T____T

Well... Last night,, I had early dinner (around 5.30 pm) so ,when it is around 11.oo pm, I felt so hungry... I tried to sleep but I just could not sleep.... Then, something came up in my brain.........

My brain was telling me to make PUDDING!

OMG!! I can't resist the temptations of pudding in this state (starving)!

Thus, around 12.00 a.m. I went out from my room, heading to Kithcen to make pudding! and U know what I did it!! hahaha.... I made Lychee Pudding last night! Silly huh.... XD

Well... I almost give up, since the sugar jar is not enough to make pudding..... BUT I tried so hard just to find another jar of sugar.... and I found it!! haha....

My VERY First Homemade Pancake

On the 12th, we (Samarindarians) were having a day off. We were having election, the Election of Samarinda's Governor. Well... I am suppose to take part in this election since I am above 17th years old... In fact, I did not and instead of taking part, I made My VERY First Homemade Pancake!! XD

Special thanks for Eddyanto, who has given me a link to Pancake Recipe @ Kaskus Forum.

Well... It is kinda easy to make Pancake and you dont have to prepare many indredients. All you need to do is

- A cup of wheat flour

- 2 teaspoons baking powder

- 2 tablespoons sugar

Mix everything.

In seperate bowl, whisk

- 3/4 cup of low fat milk, and

- 1 egg

Then, melt

- 1 tablespoon of shortening, and

- 1 tablespoon of butter

Add flour mixture into a mixture of egg and milk. Mix well. Then add the melted shortening and butter. =)

THAT's ALL.... Easy huh... XD

I did the whole process all by myself!!! Tho the taste is not as good as in Restaurant, but I made it myself!! and the feeling is so GREAT! XD

Well... Mommy said my pancake taste is good, just that I put too much of baking powder... It has a little bit of bitter taste... hikss... T_T

hmm.... Fine! That was my VERY first! The next one will be much better!! XD

Since it is a little bit bitter, I decided to use Pure Honey, instead of Ice Cream... and Yap! It taste much better than the plain pancake... =D

Sunday 10 October 2010

Hunting still life

Second part of October 10th....

In the morning I went to church, went back, had my lunch and AOL time!!! XD

Hunting this time took place at my frontyard and backyard of brother Agus's house..... Today concept is STILL LIFE..... XD

Here are some photos taken by me... XD

Frezzing technique.... =)

High Shutter speed that is the point..! Try to capture the water before it falls... Freeze the moment that your un-aided eyes can't see....

One of my favourite technique... XD

That's all the best that I have chosen... hehe... Please feel free to comment... Your comment(s) is so much appreciated... XD

Eight... Nine... and Ten.... XD

hummppp..... Where to begin....

October.... As what I expected... October really is something....

On the 8th.... nothing much happened... I had my hair cut on that day... Well.. I just had my fringe trimmed.... I decided to keep my hair long... =p.. At night, I just did some editing on few photos before I finally aslept around 9 pm... and un-intentionally woke up around 12 am.... Then I wished few friends whose birthday is on the 9th before I actually fallen asleep again... =D


On the 9th which is Saturday.... I skipped work, due to my laziness.... Sometime in afternoon, I accompanied my mom to see a house and buy something.... then.... I went out with my friends... Lee GaGa and Amah at night... =)

U know what is so special on the 9th??? well.... 2 special yet dissaponted things were actually due on October the 9th 2010..... First, remember the 3 months probation I talked before?? Yap... It is officially ended on the 9th.....

Why is it a sad thing?? Coz the probation period was just a waste of time... The result is not any better..... In fact the result is worsen...

Is it a pathetic thing?? Well... Everysingle thing has 2 sides... I am trying to look at the positive side... and yess!! I don't regret a thing even the result is poor... In fact..... Far from the due (9th) I already knew the result....

What I learned from this thing is that....
"DON'T fight for something that is NOT worth to fighting for!"
I was a silly who has commited myself to such a stupid probation period... LOL.... But thing happen for reason(s).. =)

Well... That was the 1st sad thing happened on the 9th.......... the 2nd one will be.......

I did not lose any weights!!! OMG!!! So sad...... I was expecting to see myself slimmer by today (the 9th).... In fact I maintain my weight.... hix hix.... T______T

Besides, on these day, I just knew that one of my brothers is actually going to Kalimantan Tengah.... It is a long journey... I really am worry.... Since that place was few times in chaos.... Hoping the best for my broooo..... T__T

Then.... Just right on 12.00 am, I wished another friend's birthday whose birthday is on the 10th, a recent friend... haha...


the 10th

Passed few minutes from 12.00 am, another thing happnened.... The 2nd time, the same person..... and... the same answer I gave..... Sorry.... But..... I don't know... un-explainable stuffs.... The only thing I can think of is...... If it is you, then time will prove it.... If you stop, then that is the final ending.....

One of my trio besties reminds me on something...... She said....

"Chance to meet and get to know each other is a fate that God has planned for you... but to whom you give your heart, is a choice.... You choose who is your life partner.... God is just giving you a few choices to choose from...."

So........ THat all for now.... Guess will continue 2nd part of 10th Oct on another post... XD

Thursday 7 October 2010

Is it a SIGN??

U know what... Today, around 3 - 4 pm, when I was in Office, working..... Something unexpected and funny happened....

A lady called to my office, but she was looking for a travel agent which owned by my friend's mom!! Hahaha...

Actually he is my ex-bf... Funny right?? I was so surprised when I answered that particular call.... She was about to ask Mandala Flight... hahaha... and I said "Sorry, wrong number, we are Transporter, not a travel agent" hahaha...

Even after I hung up the phone, I was still surprised.. After few minutes, then only I laugh.... How random and odd this thing happened.... LOL....

Is it a sign for me?? I don't know... coz actually my ex's birthday is just few days away.. haha...

FINE.... Let's close the book, coz I have ended it.... =D

Ermm... One more thing!


Ermm... Shud I??

hmmmm..... I guess I will just talk about that if something is really happened on that day.... XD

Friday 1 October 2010

Silly Mistake


This afternoon I did a silly mistake... It has huge impact on my name!! OMG!! I jsut don't know what was in my brain that time! Gosh!!! and since that time till now I keep recalling back that thing... OMG!! I am so embarrased... T____T


And you know what???

What I suppose (and expect) to receive by tonight did not turned up as what I wish..... I did not even hear any news... OMG.... I am so so silly.....

I should use brain, not mouth.... T_______________T

Thursday 30 September 2010


Today I flew back to Samarinda.. I was so emo today.. My mood is swinging like "ayunan" (a swing).. ‎​◦нå◦нä◦нã◦нä◦нâ◦нå◦нä◦нã◦нä◦нâ◦°..

Angry coz hv to wait for so long at airport.. Then suddenly happy coz my friend contact me..

Well.. It is not about who is my friend.... The main thing is that I am just too moody.. Coz of my period.. (‾ε‾")o˚

Btw, my mom told me that Iam getting fatter.. Hixx... T__T Keel meee....

I'm waiting for oct to come.. Hehe..

Monday 27 September 2010

A Blog as A Diary

Uhmmmm.... well.. I think I shall write a diary for each day... Something is not right with my brain and my feeling.... You know what.. It is not even a month, but I have forgotten what happened on the 18th of this month.... huff.... On that day I wrote a post, but I did not finish it (a draft)... There is only a single sentence in the draft, "Today is AWESOME"...

Just now, before I wrote this post, I look at that particular draft, but I cannot remember what was the awesome things happened.... The only thing I remember from the day (18th) is that my friend's wedding party which turned out to be NOT fun.... And because of that wedding party I absent from Fina's birthday dinner.... That's all I remember.... I remember that from morning till office hour ends, my feeling was in great mood, but I just cant remember what has happened.... huff.... So regret I did not complete my draft on the spot....

Thus, from now on, I decided to write a summary on each day on this blog (but doesn't meant I will post everything I wrote).... I will just keep it as a draft if it is too personal.. =)

So, I will treat my blog as my personal diary.... =)

Saturday 25 September 2010

John Photography School

After so long never open my blog, I have tons of stuff to write.... But I can't throw everything in one post right?? coz it will be a big mess.. hahaha....

Ok... So....

On the 2oth, I flew to Surabaya to go see doctor.... Then... I brought my SLR camera along since I have planned in my mind to go for photography courses... Well... I did.... I just completed the 3-days photography course... XD

I started my class on the 22th and ended on the 24th which was yesterday! =)

I took the class at John Photography School... He is a Commercial Photographer, but I think his name is not really big in photography world... But.... Well.... I took his classes... =.="

Ok... Fine..... Initially I wanted to take Darwis Triadi Class, but the weekend (2-day) class is not available this month... So, I went to goolge and start to find another school... then I found John Photography School...

Reason I took his class:
* I have brought my camera along
* Don't want to waste time in Surabaya by doing nothing
* When I found this John's website, I was so surprise coz a friend of mine is actually an alumni..
* His class is the shortest one among the other available classes

So... That is it... hahaha...

John"s class was not bad... It was quite good though.... =p I learned quite number of new stuffs... hehehe... Still not maximal... hahaha....

**** will be posting the practice photos as soon as I got my laptop with me ****

Sunday 19 September 2010

Deep Blue Sea

Maybe listening to "wish upon a star" - Barbie was not a good thing at this moment.... =p


To be frank, I am happy for a friend of mine who just coupled up with her old friend... Seeing how happy they are, I am happy.... =)


Things started to change when........ erm.... When.... Don't know..... hahaha...

So... Yap! My feeling was suddenly went blue, deep blue... Like deep blue sea.. Where you might not able to see and feel.... Yap.... That is what exactly I feel now... =)

I have been thinking so many times to isolate myself in a place where no one knows me... No one knows my families.. No one knows my friends..... A pure new place to stay... But where??? I am not going to stay there for forever.. I just want to test myself, my families, my friends and others..... Well... I know it is a selfish thing to do... but.. I don't know... I just feel like trying.. =)

Well Well Well.... Another thing that came up in my mind is...

I remember a friend of mine told me something about a love fate (according to Chinese Custom)........... Lets start from the conversation between a friend of mine and I....

Y: Why a girl that is not considered as pretty or smart or sexy (hot) or cute has a boyfriend, whereas us do not have a boyfriend yet??

P: Haha.... Those things are relatif... Depending on one's taste or preference... Some might think that girl is not pretty, but some might think she is pretty... Why you suddenly think about this stuff?

Y: ermmm.. I think this is a fate.... Chinese believe that every girl has "xxx" (which I can't recall back what is that)... When a girl has lots of "xxx" then lots of guys will go after her regardless her smartness or outer look... vice versa

P: Really?? It is a superstition, isn't it?? but... maybe...

After a long tought..... I came out with an conclusion..... Actually another friend of mine who has enlighten me... (thanks, Ah Gong... =p)... so... The conclusion is that............. ermmmm...... she has a skill to xxxxx whereas us (Y and P) are lack of that skill...... I don't know if it is right to call it skill.. hahaha..... Maybe it is a talent, a gift.... =)

Anyway... I am grateful for who am I.... =D

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Anoher Lappie R.I.P... =.="

I don't know why, I got 2 lappies died in my hand....

First one is ASUS W5F which I have been using for almost 5 years.... This is my dearest lappie ever!! It is a real savior for me during my college and uni life!! First, the dvd drives died, then now the HD is also died.... T___T

Second one is SONY VAIO, don't know what series, which I use for half a year only!! I don't know what is the problem with this lappie.... BUT I can't operate Photoshop Lightroom, also the Wifi and Bluetooth cannot on.... My bro tries to re-format, but it does not work..... 

OMG!! Just what is on erath going on with those lappie..... Did I treated them badly?? I don't think so!!!

FINE!! Buy me another lappie and see if the new one will die in my hand.... If it does, then I will just get myself a desktop!!!! T____________________T


Ok.... Fine.... I am here to apologize for my earlier post about my bro's "close" friend....

Well... It was a bias... but not 100% bias.... part of it are real!!

But still... I have to apologize for whatever I have written in the earlier post....


I wanted to delete that part few days ago.. but my lappie is just SUPER awesome... It cannot turn on the wifi.. dunno what the hell is wrong with my lappie..... arrghh.....

Wednesday 1 September 2010

September 1st

OMG OMG OMG..... First day of September!!!

Guess what......?? I have been "blaming" a person throughout my way to office this morning...... Can he act more MAN??? OMG OMG OMG!!! arrgghhh.......

Actually the whole thing is not mainly his fault...... Part of it is because of my pride!! hahahahaha...... and now I am regret..... hahahaha.... stupid!!! stupiddd stupidddd..... T___T

I was hoping while "blaming" him... hahahaha...... Well.... we will see how real is my wish.. The time limit is just few days away, September 5th.... T___T

Hope my wish come true!!!

*hoping hoping hoping* >.<  

Is it worth my pride?? Oh shit!!! idamnsuperconfuse!! Y.Y I do not know if I should feel excited or confuse... hahaha.....


Tuesday 31 August 2010

August is ending soooooonnnnnn

Awwww Awwww Awwww........ August is ending soooonnn..... and I have not reached my target yet!!! I almost get to my target, but I turned back, coz coz coz...... lot of unexplainable reasons... hahaha..... But.... WAIT..... I still have few more hours before August is really end.... *hoping hoping hoping* hahaha.... XD

Anyway..... August really was a month full of emotions...... happy ~ sad ~ worry ~ surprise ~ shock ~ disappoint ~ angry ~ fed up ~ upset ~ confuse ~ scare, all sort of feelings I have experienced through out this year's August.... XD

Those feeling were not so bad tho.... =)

~ I learned lots of new stuff....

~ Met new-fun friends...

~ Got my DSLR, CANON 550D.... *awww.... so happiee.... XD*

~ Got to know how ugly a truth can be.... *tears*

~ Learned that life will never free from insincere....

~ Learned to surrender everything to God.... Let God's plan works on me.....

~ Knew how worth is a drop of tear....

~ Learned how special and unique a moment is.... even the worst moment is special, coz you will never go back to the same moment with the same feeling....

~ Learned that life is also never get away from "make use of xxxx" hahaha.... well... we are human, we have ego..... =p

Sooo.... I would like to end August with a warm hug, and welcome September with a big-bright-smile on my face and say "Hi, September, lets make some wonderful moments together..." =D

Sunday 29 August 2010

Pondok Surya

hahayyyy...... My very 1st hunting session with my new D-SLR, CANON 550D was in Pondok Surya.... It was a great hunting session! I learned how to set the exposure, read the metering, set the manual focus, set the white balance, composition, etc etc... I learned, not mastered them yet! hahaha..... Sometimes my shot is off focus, thus I missed few great expression of the models.... T___T But, overall is good! hehehe....

My new-friends are all experts, they know well about SLR and photo editing... and me......... know NOTHING..... hikzzz.... but they don't mind to teach me.... that is what I like from them... =)

Special THanks to Jennie, who introduced me this guy, named Philip who then help me to buy SLR and invited me to join this photography group, "the art of light"... XD


I have not started to do editing since my lappie is just way too smart and too fast, thus I cannot operate the photo editors.... =_______="

So, here I am, writing this post...... T_______________T

Wednesday 25 August 2010

running is not a solution

Quite lot of stuffs happened during this short week... I hold myself to not blog about it, since most of the stuffs happened really are private stuffs.... =p

Anyway, what I learned this week is that

no matter how far, how fast, how long I run, I am still in my world.... Problems are still there, nothing has been solved by running....

running will not solve the problems, what running give you is a "fake" time, when you run too much, you will get exhausted yet you still have to face your un-solved problems....

The answers of all your problem is in you, your mindset!! Try to calm down and think from few different point of view, and u will get the answers... =)

Thursday 19 August 2010

Isolating myself....

I need to ISOLATE myself!!! I really need to be alone for at least ONE day!

I feel like going somewhere far away where no one know me, know nothing about my families, friends, or other things related to me! but HOW?

I have to clear my mind!! Seriously!!

Wednesday 18 August 2010

The 65th Indonesia's Independence Day, August 17th 2010

Yesterday, like I said earlier, it was a great day! After 'FangShen' and Vegetarian Bazzar, I had a celebration with another gang of mine... =p

We were celebrating the 65th Indonesia's Independence day!! hehehhe....

How we celebrate it??

Well... It was just a small gathering at Lee's house... It was our very first time celebrating Indonesia's 'birthday' together.... Simple yet memorable celebration.. XD

So, the 5 of us went to "Pasar Ramadhan" (a market selling all sort of dishes, deserts for Muslim Fasting) to hunt for Foods!! hahaha....

These are some pictures taken while we were in "Pasar Ramadhan"..........

Preety crowded,huh.?!

Actually all stands in "Pasar Ramadhan" are selling the same things, just that we don't know which one has the best foods.. hahaha... So it was fun to look around, walk here and there while guessing which stand has good foods! hahaha...

After done with the hunting session, we directly heading to Lee's house..... (backyard to be precise.. =))

These are our foods and desert.... The 4 girls had Fried Vermicelli, while Lee had Fried Noodle.. =).... As per desert, we had Es SumSum.. hahaha... I really have no idea how to describe this desert.. lol

Then we had good chat together, took pictures....XD

You know what?? One of our friend was "saltum" (wearing the wrong custom) haha... We have decided to wear Red and White (since Indonesia's Flag is Red and White)... BUT sheeee.... She wore BLACK!! hahaha..... She was totally out of the dresscode...! hahahaha....

And.... Actually I did wear the wrong Tshirt.... I was wearing "I love SG" t-shirt instead of wearing 'I love Indonesia"... hahahaha...... I am brilliant!!!

oh yaaa.... Before I forget... My friend's family who get married with a Canadian guy, is actually named their daughter "Merdeka"...... The moment my friend told me about this, I thought she was joking... but it is NOT a joke... They really named their daughter Merdeka.... OMG.... Can't they named her with more Canadian name? OMG....... OMG OMG...... I am speechless.......

'FangShen' and Vegeratian Bazzar

So far, August is still a emo-month to me... Despite of everything happened till today, yesterday was a great day!! The WHOLE day was great!

Yesterday, in the early morning, 6.30 am, I joined a Buddhism activity, named 'FangShen'. It is an action to let the animals free... humpp.... I don't really know how to explain.. haha...

Ok... At first we choose a certain animal, usually we 'FangShen' Birds, Turtles and/or Fishes. Then we buy the choosen animal(s). Once we buy, we go straight to a place to free the animal(s), pray for them, then let them free!! That is all... haha... Seems so easy rite... But your heart and will counts.... =)

Sooo.... Yesterday, we decided to 'FangShen' both Fishes and Birds. All of us gathered at Fera's house, Nahkoda Street.

Some of us go by car, some by motorcycle... =p

The place where we will let the Fishes free, Mahakam River's side...

Prayers.... I did not take part, since I am a Christian... The reason I was there is because I do not want to stay at home, do nothing! So, I joined them and took all these photographs... =p
and of course I want do some good 'Karma' =)

Time for the fishes to be free.... =) Hope they will grow bigger and be healthy fishes... =p

GROUP picture session! XD

Next, we are heading to Ekayana Buddhist Temple.. We play and took some photos while waiting for our friends (who went to buy Birds) come.. =p

So, same thing applies... pray and then let them free... Easy huh... =)

Thennnnn.... My brother, Grandmother, Aunt, Fera and I directly heading to another Buddhist Temple to visit Vegetarian Bazzar... =)

Overall, it was a good experience... I met new people, learn new things and most important is I did a good 'Karma'... =)

After that we went home.... Then... I got a celebration with another gang of mine (Indonesia's Independence Day!!!!..) =p